
25 Feb, 2014 03:08 AM
So near,
Only wishing
You were here.

What is there
To fear?
If you’re the only one

I hide in the
Shadows ,
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Tags: Pain, Suicide, Scared, Shadow, Death
Votes: 0

In A Shroud of Black

Tom Hanno

22 Feb, 2014 12:34 AM
In a shroud of black my heart doth rest,
It's beat ever so weary, and weak, inside of my chest,
It's very essence being sapped by my pain,
Pain of my own making, pain brought on by my birth,
Pain brought on in spite of my mirth.
I feel that my wounds could never mend,
And suicide could bring my hearts beat to an end
Wishing, wanting, hoping, that my life I have left,
Yet, I can imagine the faces of my sons,
at the news of my early death,
Then my blackened heart picks up the beat,
And then I realize that death means only defeat,
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Tags: Pain, Suicide, Depression, Death, Dark, Alone
Votes: 4


Sammie Brown

24 Feb, 2014 09:08 AM
I won’t eat 
I will starve
I won’t talk but listen 
I will cut but
I won’t let the pain show 
I will wear black to hind it 
I won’t make fuss of my crying 
I will hind my tears
I won’t let them know of my pain
I will let then hurt me but 
I won’t let them in 
I will stand alone
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Tags: Pain, Crying, Cutting, Tears, Hurt, Depression, Suicide, Suffering, Alone, Selfharm
Votes: 5


Sammie Brown

18 Feb, 2014 11:14 AM
It burns me to see you
Like this
I cant help to feel as if its my fault
I feel so helpless
You were happy till
I came

The tears that you think are hidden
I can see throw your smile
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Tags: Suffering, Helpless, Sadness, Pain, Tears
Votes: 1

Blood n tears.

Zane-Geoff Hugo

18 Feb, 2014 10:43 AM
You bring the blade onto the cold surface of your skin
Drag it across
Just one more cut
Blood slowly dripping
drips off your arm and onto the floor
You start to cry
tears distorting your vision
screaming on the inside
Why wont it end
The pain hasn't gone
Another cut should do it
Why wont the pain leave
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Tags: Cutting, Depression, Death
Votes: 3

Eternal Suicide


11 Feb, 2014 07:57 PM
Crimson floods… 
Why am I like this?
No shattered.
Yes. But why?

I cry myself into nightmares….
I make myself bleed for security…
The thought of a blade dragging across my skin….
Yes. Scarlet ecstasy… Why?
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Tags: Suicide
Votes: 4



11 Feb, 2014 07:49 PM
Cassandra Marshall-Steward

Sometimes at night I lie awake
Unable to sleep.
The darkness seeps into the cracks of my mind;
Infesting it with thoughts and questions of myself.

I question my sanity
As I lay there in the dark alone with my fears.
Am I insane that I see and hear demons
who really don't exist?
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Tags: Emo
Votes: 3

The Downward Spiral

sarah lough

10 Feb, 2014 05:20 PM
Today once again I began my spiral,
Down and down, round and round I go
I swear it's catching like something viral
will I escape this one, I really don't know
My fake smile has worn off, face aches from frowning
No shoulder to cry on, never anyone to care
Its a constant suffering almost like drowning 
if I went today, would they notice I was no longer there?
SO today I sit, I weep, I sob and I stare
I wonder how much more of this soul can take
there is only so much of this one soul can take
there is only so much a person can take
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Tags: Depression
Votes: 2

Inner demons

light's enemy

12 Feb, 2014 09:46 PM
He lurks inside me
Grinning wide
Haunting a place that has never seen light

Lurking in my dreams
Haunting my sleep
Never leaving, but never to keep.

His putrid breath
flits across my face
"Kill them all and you'll be free"
He'd said.
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Tags: Demons, Satan, Insanity, Prisoner
Votes: 5

Just a small Cut

sarah lough

07 Feb, 2014 06:32 PM
Crimson red fills the bowl and i think i'm going to be sick
with everything spinning so fast i cannot breathe.
walls closing in and everything fades.
Flashes of light come by, one by one.
Feeling sleepy not knowing your name.
Not knowing mine
there it is. my favorite thing of all this, 
the feeling of pain is gone from before and a new form enters me.
laying here waiting for you to come home
i open my eyes and see flashes of you and me from before you went.
you walk inside.
you call to me and wait for an answer.
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Tags: Cutting
Votes: 0