Just One Spirit?
22 Nov, 2012 07:47 PMJust one spirit? First the punch, Then the hit When is this going to quit? At first blood thirst like animals, Thirsty for more, To settle a score. A score no one ever set, Not with me, Not with nobody.Tags: Sad, Bulling, Broken
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Votes: 0
To Die
Charlie Marbles
18 Nov, 2012 08:20 PMTo die would be a mystery forever unknown by the books, the scholars, the wise, the foolish. they ask if I myself am afraid of death what would it do to be afraid of the unknown? it is indeed only human nature afraid, haha I laugh at the weak of heart to be afraid is to be vulnerable susceptible to life's miseryTags: Death, Suicide, Kill Me, Creepy, Dark Thought, Darkness
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Votes: 2
Last goodbye.
Raven Wolff
23 Oct, 2012 10:28 PMI'm ready its time I take my last breath. end my suffering life. I know I promised. but I cant hold on anymore. I cant take this. This is hell This is horrible. End it now! before. Before I do. Right now I just wanna, put this blade to my vain.Tags: Goodbye, Forever Gone, Lost, Dark, Suicide, Suicide Note, Pain, Blood
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Votes: 21
Davin Vazquez
13 Nov, 2012 02:59 PMDeath comes near, nothing shall fear; if only I have courage at light, you can't see anything everything that's bright. I feel comfortable at darkness, I hurt at lightness; what should it fear, if trying would bear. what shall we fear? when death comes near;Tags: Dark, Death, Fear, Darkness, Light
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Votes: 0
Alone, scared.
Raven Wolff
23 Oct, 2012 10:21 PMLet me Cut, deep into my wrist. For if I die, I wont be missed. Why would I be missed? I mean, look at me, I'm just a stupid fucking nobody. if I don't wanna be here, why should I stay?Tags: Alone, Lost, Forgettable, Death, Kill Me, Pain, Suffering
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Votes: 14
Life and its untimly End
Jack Sorenson
11 Nov, 2012 12:58 AMI'm unsure how this came to be Lighting will strike more than twice the tree becomes brittle, And the sole dies away The roots still grow on, Sprouting up shoots some Were further away, New life will rise in the sun one day so why do you ask that I'm still here today, Same as why the shy shines its brilliant bluesTags: Death, Dark, Pain, New Day, Hope
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Votes: 8
Happy Halloween, to C.B. Hannegan's
Jack Sorenson
11 Nov, 2012 12:55 AMHappy Halloween, to C.B. Hannegan's By Author Jack Sorenson The ghost in the garden, crept into, Cb’s one day They like what they saw, and smelled from the kitchen cooking, So they stayed for the night, on old Hollows eve Cracks twigs, as the ghost, treads no more further On the outside, in the cold, Lighted, by the full moon, now encased, by fantasy lightingTags: Ghost, Night, Dark, Moonlight, Alone, Darkness
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Votes: 63
The Wizard
Jack Sorenson
11 Nov, 2012 12:54 AMThe sunlight has faded The sounds of the night came, Which frighten, most humans away And sent them running back to the camp fire Screams came to all our ears From of course the shadows afar Of darkness by the forest trees Quickened heartbeats beaded the strangeness of animal’s cries came aloud Now come to be in the shadowsTags: Wizard, Dark, Fear, Creature Of Darkness, Night, Darkness
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Votes: 7
Raven Wolff
23 Oct, 2012 10:18 PMI dream of death. A time when I'm free. No more pain, Suffering, Tears. What a good thing that will be. Not having to worry. Being get free from all this, This Hate! This stupid, painful life.Tags: Death, Liveless, Hopeless, Hell, Alone, Lost, Free
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Votes: 5
Her Ghost In The Fog
Mark Lestat
26 Oct, 2012 12:35 AMHer Ghost In The Fog Her Face On The Moon Her Words In My Mind I See Her Face When I Close My Eyes. She Is My Nightmare when I Sleep She Visit Me In The Dark , Thats Why I hate Being In The Light Brings Me To Life When She Come To me , And Its Like a Knife Crossing My Heart When She disappears. Her Eyes Make Me Gave Up ,Tags: Dark, Dead, Fake, Suffering, Lost
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Votes: 0