This pain in me
20 Jun, 2016 04:55 PMI have no release to This pain in me Constantly being bullied Your always disjointed in me Your the cause of This pain in me Trying to get u To see me you just toss me aside This pain in meTags: Pain, Dark
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Votes: 2
Zane A. Murray
19 May, 2016 09:14 PMTartarus, the eternal pit, full of fire and smoke, Where the beast of the pit walks his ways, in his infinite black cloak, He walks with a sturdy step, along the dust and bones of the righteous dead, And along the rivers of blood that runs with the color red. His name is Satan, Ruler of the Earth, King of the World, in his abode, With the darkened of skies that linger with thunder, along with a birds that had crowed, No one dies here in this realm, only does the Lord of Darkness die into rest here, And only shall he be indestructible from the fire and the cries of fear. As he walks in the darkness, with the smell of rotten meat and skin, He scratches his legs and arms, and runs the hand through the hair on his chin,Tags: Hell, Darkness, Death, Devil
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Votes: 2
Morning Star
Zane A. Murray
12 May, 2016 08:14 PMMany people have misconceptions and thoughts, About Lucifer the archangel, that he is evil and will tie you in knots. Or Satan, that means adversary, opposer, or one to question, I don’t why they think they are evil, it’s their own obsession. But really they are symbolic of the human nature that we all possess, Without Satan in all of our hearts, we’re nothing but a robotic mess, God isn’t doing a good job for me or lots of people on this planet, Why does everyone count on “Jesus”, instead of Satan goddammit?! I call myself a devout Satanist, one that indulges in my natural feelings, I find that this type of philosophy is the most interesting and appealing,Tags: God, Satan, Satanism
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Votes: 1
A Beautiful Death
Zane A. Murray
06 May, 2016 02:53 PMSo many people are scared of the inevitable end, Maybe it’s because they are convinced that they are condemned, Hellfire that will roast and burn their souls and flesh, Brain-washed of the words described by the king Gilgamesh. Or some people love the aspect of being at the void, And accept that it is something that no one can avoid, They embrace the end, for it is the great abstinence, That’s why they live their lives fully in the great indulgence. Angels and Demons, or God and Devils, They think they can be taken away by either into the paradise or hell of 9 levels,Tags: God, Devil, Death, Beauty
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God and His Heaven
Zane A. Murray
22 Apr, 2016 04:16 PMIf there is a place that is up above, It must be as soft as the silk of a glove, White and shiny as the stars in the sky, Sounds like day dreams, created by a bearded guy. They say God created the Heaven and the Earth on the first day, I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that, not ever, and definitely not today, Not really a place for me to keep in my mind, I don’t have to worry about something that I may or may not find, There’s a man in the clouds staring down at me, and he isn’t happy, Says I can’t masturbate with my manliness, can’t go fappy fappy,Tags: God, Heaven, Afterlife, Darkness
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Votes: 2
Petals Off A Tree
14 Apr, 2016 08:59 PMWatch me bleed out until there is nothing left inside of me. A flood pours out and the blood beings to seethe. There is no turning back, you know what you've done to me My bleeding out, is that what sets you free? If so, then I have a job for you- Under the hanging tree. They're coming for you, and they will catch you one day you'll see. Feeding off our body, your a monster who disgusts me. Blood slips onto the roots, boiling underneath. Now an endless hell awaits you, as far as the eye can see.Tags: Suicide, Cutting, Hell, Death, Dying, Blood, Sad
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Votes: 6
The Bitter Kiss
14 Apr, 2016 02:43 AMI hate it I hate that I kissed him I hate that I liked it I hate how I wanted my lips to belong to him… I thought he loved me I thought I loved him I didn’t want him to leave I thought I was his If I noticed the signs The signs that I missed We would have never…Tags: Bitter, Dark, Scared, Cold, Hate, Hatred, Addiction
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Votes: 4
No. 13
Brandon Crooms
11 Apr, 2016 11:44 PM'WACK, WACK, WACK, WACK... I had started to lose count. "Goodbye, Mr. Blount." My hands tightly grip the ax, I took aim at his bloodied back. Fury covers my eyes with blood, "Can I do this?" I could, I could, I could. "One more swing," I say. "I hope to God you'll pray." I bring it down fast... This will be the last... The hit was clean. ...and that made 13.'Tags: Murder, Insanity, Graphic
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Votes: 7
Horrors in the Night
Brandon Crooms
11 Apr, 2016 04:16 AMI'm sitting, quietly weeping, Thoughts are destroying my mind. Death is taking what is his...He wants everything, Nothing can stop him. He is sitting in the dark, Red eyes are staring, and shining with fear. Fear not of himself, but of the illusion of being in his mind, Fear only the wretched can see, for they see all sorts of evil. Each tiring moment seems like my last, I'm being trapped inside this past to the point of no return.Tags: Horror, Nightare
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Votes: 0
Unworthy School
Brandon Crooms
11 Apr, 2016 04:03 AM-Sitting in the back of a deserted classroom, Bones scatter the floor, and the walls are pealing like... like burnt flesh ripping from the skull. -All of the lights are broken, the glass sparkles against the ground The air smells of freshly cut grass on a Saturday morning. -Walking in the hallway, Blood stains the white polished floors, rusted and broken lockers against the walls. -The light rods are swinging, creaking in the darkTags: Horror, Pshyco, Intense, Insane, Graphic
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Votes: 2