To Die
Charlie Marbles
18 Nov, 2012 08:20 PMTo die would be a mystery forever unknown by the books, the scholars, the wise, the foolish. they ask if I myself am afraid of death what would it do to be afraid of the unknown? it is indeed only human nature afraid, haha I laugh at the weak of heart to be afraid is to be vulnerable susceptible to life's misery bravery is what the world lacks death will consume the world its just over the horizon a day away embrace the cold hallow darkness of death it always welcomed you with open arms waiting for that fatal day when it could claim you as its own hasn't it already put a claim on you? immortality is things of fairy-tales, myths death waits behind the curtain in the dark shadows in the depths of the unknown it lurks waiting. wanting. give into death it will hold you high. steal your pain away. all you've ever wanted lies right in front of you fool catch it and release. into the unknown abyss.
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