Devils Apocolypse
David Bull
06 Apr, 2012 07:51 PMHollow moons illuminate the skies The end is here now begins the cries The battle begins on a stormy night The devil orders his latest strike It’s time for a sacrificial moment The stench of death becoming so potent Hell hounds released and leap across rivers Hypnotic serpent eyes follow with bodies that slither They breed with the witches to release their seed Filling the belly for Satan's greed Cutting through bones they greedily feast Showing their loyalty to their one true beast They see no evil and feel no pain Sucking juice from another fallen angel slain Gambling with souls for one true winner Seducing the lives of every last sinner As the corpses lay silent the locusts swarm Apocalyptic world has now been born
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Post a Comment23 Apr, 2012 03:26 PM
<3 great poem
15 May, 2012 03:22 PM
no truer words have ever been spoken
27 Jul, 2014 05:38 PM
Hm i like it its very whitty (most likely spelt wrong)
22 Apr, 2016 09:28 AM
crawling in my skin.
jk this is shit wtf are u doing with your life?