Your Worst Nightmare
26 Feb, 2013 09:31 PMThere was once a girl with no name Quiet, small and dark They called her What's-Her-Face She didn't mind, not at all Her hair was a dark brown Her head, kept low No one knew what was the matter But they knew, not to get involved What's-Her-Face was alone, lonely and unwanted She was a freak A psycho Nasty rumors, she was haunted No one believed A word she said No one wanted to talk To this lousy mess One girl gave in, and began to be kind But the nasty comments had gotten to her And in the end The one girl, had left her side It had almost been a year Since What's-Her-Face's arrival Before she started to hate herself too Fat, ugly Who would want to be her partner? She put on a fake smile, as if it were all okay You could see it in her eyes The sorrow The pain Desperation over-took her But she didn't let it win She began to cut One long cut, in every arm, with a swing Her blood red blade Her needle end knife Itd only take a flick of the wrist With that, she could die But she didn't give up so easily She still had a chance A very slight one She couldn't give up yet Life got worse She fell in love, but that wasn't the cure Her lover passed away And she never got to say, what her heart was screaming at her face Poor little What's-Her-Face And her failure of a family Didn't care for her Didn't even notice she was there They were losing money It was hopeless, what a fail It must've been because Of What's-Her-Face's betrayal Her father was dead Her mother was useless Her brother was irritating Her sister was too young Poor little What's-Her-Face, didn't have a choice She broke into a shop Took a large amount of money Before the bell rung Blue and red lights Swerving everywhere "Hands up!" she heard someone yell Poor little Whats-Her-Face, got hit, and beaten Blue and purple bruises on her arms Down to her hips, repeatedly When Mommy's done with her beating, she stands aside Growls at Brother and Sister And yells over her cries "You don't know what I've done for you!" she yells And hits her... Again Poor little What's-Her-Face, cried herself to sleep Alone, locked up in a cage She was an animal, kept hidden She only went out for school She didn't see her family She was too ashamed, to say anything It was her fault this was happening It was her fault her family was worse It was her fault her father was dead If only that deer hadn't been on the road Why couldn't it have killed her instead? Why this much pain? What had she ever done To receive all this hate? He just wanted to help He couldn't run over it Such a human thing to do But now, he's gone Poor little What's-Her-Face, brought this poem to tell her story She stood in front of the class And read it out, slowly I hope you understand now That we all have feelings Yet I stood here before you Not frowning, while you bullied me My life is difficult And you don't make it any easier I hope you feel bad now You see? Are things clearer? You've teased and punched And kicked and screamed But never did I once Ask for help, or even plead I've shut my mouth And let you play With my emotions, my feelings But that was a mistake It's not the first time But most certainly the last You most definitely will remember me I will be a scar I hope I will not be judged I hope this will make you think But most of all I hope you understand' Poor little What's-Her-Face, raised her arm Holding a gun, in her hand She placed it next to her head With that, poor little What's-Her-Face smiled. 'My name is Alice I hope you don't forget Because my name is not What's-Her-Face.' Alice pulled the trigger, the shot, loud and long The class screamed in terror, as she fell down with a "Thump!" Now everyone remembers What's-Her-Face And everything they had done
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Post a Comment06 Mar, 2013 07:49 AM
I loved this poem....i love ur blog!!
07 Mar, 2013 05:40 PM
Oh my rabies, thank you so much for reading! It really means a lot :D
06 May, 2013 12:45 AM
No words can describe how we'll written this is. And I'm only 15 haha so i dont really know much. I love it, and your other poems also.
07 Dec, 2013 07:55 AM
I love it. :)
29 Nov, 2015 05:03 PM
WOW... bought tears to my eyes takes a lot to do that. This is a great poem I love it :)
12 Mar, 2017 02:45 PM
A poem both sad and dark is quite fascinating :)
23 Dec, 2017 07:25 AM
My god this is so beautiful