The boy called 'IT' and 'Mistake'
Dark Wolf
27 Mar, 2013 08:33 PMAs I lay there, with crimson, knowing I'm laying, that I'm going, I'm going to die, As I smile when I know, I'm about to die, I think in my head, as I lay there, in my head I ask, 'Why was I called IT or Mistake?' , I look at my wall as I slash my wrist with my crimson blade, I wish to be loved, not feared, not hated, nor called 'IT ' or 'Mistake, As I lay there, As I get up I feel dizzy, I look up and I grin, All of them, All of them, All of their faces, All of there faces looking, looking, looking at me, as I slash, I feel safe from hurt, I want to cut, To cut til there is no more, til I drip out of all my crimson, til I drip out all of it, til I no longer have any crimson blood left, Till I die right there, There is no hope, There is no hope, There was never hope, there was only pain, suffering, blood, crimson, crimson covered blades, all spilled out in front of me, All of my life, all of my life, I will never regret, Never regret, Never will I feel sorrowful for what I have done, What Have I Done, I will never feel sorry, Never again will I, Never again, I will never, Never, All my life, My life, My life Was Hell, Life was Hell, Till I died, Till I killed myself, I killed myself, And you want to know my name? My name was Tye RanSnear, The boy damned to the depths of Hell. . . .
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