The Lady Killer
Brittany Revis
18 Aug, 2013 08:04 AMA lady killer, in every sense of the term. You beat in there heads, and leave them to burn. The mistakes they've made, for having a kind heart. The regret they save, Keep that for the best part. When you where left by a lover, her beauty like non other. You wanted noting more, then to beat her head in. You only search for the best, nothing more.. nothing less. Your heart burns with rage, that all those girls will live to see another day. Your good looks and charm, trick them to believe, that you can be, what they've all been striving to see. The stupid girls who wanted your love, never understood... "Why us?"
Tags: Bundy, Killer, Death, Murder, Dead, Ladies, Dark Hair, Love, Fake, Darkness, Rape, Charm, Anger
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