Terror of a grimfaced shadow

Scarce Grim

22 Sep, 2013 03:13 AM
Moan within the deep canyon 
Chill runs through the skin of dead man-
Chest filled with this terror-
Red shimmering eyes and sharp personality;
A mind works as draconian-

Run for it! Or die right here!
You have hands and feet-
Kill yourself but let your soul live!

It brought this curse of legacy,
Losing it's dignity..
Creating a great massacre of share-
Sharing your flesh with the shadows of dark..
The nemesis has been born right now!
The great black hole collided with the light-
The shadows will crawl up from the hell..
Showing off it's grim face-
Praise the shadow lord of doom

Terrorizing the universe within itself..

Scream out for the light
It's gone...forever now..
Emptiness is hollowing in for the kill

Biting your soul and crunching your flesh
No reason for any fight..
Grimace cupidity is arriving.

- Megh
Tags: Dark, Gothic, Scream
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