Forever Dark
19 Apr, 2014 06:39 AMForever Dark I am forever dark Trapped in this horrible life, Watching others at the park As I’m stabbed with a knife. No one knows the pain I have had Each and everyday, I will be forever sad For the time has now come to pay. This is not that bad Though I leave my friends, And make them mad I know that this is the end. As I lay down And close my eyes, I start to frown And say my good-byes. The end is here The end is dark, I no longer have fear For I am forever dark.
Tags: Darkness
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Post a Comment30 Aug, 2014 04:47 AM
this is exactly like me i always feel like this watching others be happy and just waiting for me to die
15 Sep, 2014 07:21 AM
that about sums it up
21 Nov, 2014 04:23 AM
love it!