Three Ingredients
Abaddon Torment
07 Aug, 2014 07:17 PMDarkness. Silence. Peace. I now realize I am only me Theres three ingredients, I am made of. Thes three ingredients, Are all i ever was. Darkness. Here before the light. Darkness. Forever by our side. Whose main element is night The night is full of, Pitched black woods, Untampered snow. Does darkness comsume? I think not, I find darkness to be, A true lover Look to your shadow. Youll find it there Not to torment, As I've implied Itll simply always be by your side Something that shall remain Something that will be there for you Even after the very end. Silence. It begs no violence Its so fradgile A snap can break it Yet some how It supposedly tears away sanity If you believe this lie, You are wrong, An asylem is where you belong Go forth and submerge yourself in it Come out after a day. It shall not lead you astray Peace. Something many wish for, But few can reach, Why am I special? I never tried to reach Yet I have it here Alone in the quiet dark... Alone is all I wish to be. These three ingredients. Its all that make me.
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