Come To Me

Dean Kuch

21 Feb, 2015 01:14 PM
Come to me, he said again,
to my dismay and tired chagrin,
I fought to tarry a while longer...
As I grew weak, he grew much stronger
“...Come to me.”

'Tis just a melding of simple fate,
a subject not for one's debate;
and lo', this wretched creature beckoned
I fought him off just as he'd reckoned
“...Come to me.”

Am I not worthy of your best?"
Have you not put me to to the test?
I dare not wish eternal sleep
He looked at me, blank sockets"- deep
“...Come to me.”

His skinless masque, devoid of feature
with feral grin, this wretched creature
reached yon, His slender hands of bone
beseeching, calling,-"I'll take you home
...Come to me."

Where is this you and I must go?
To heaven's gates, or, fires below,
Should you divulge our destination?
Yet, he looked on;- gaunt presentation
“...Come to me.”

May I offer you some wine?
perhaps, if you just took some time,
You'll see, I do not wish to go.
He smiled at me, and said,- “I know”"
“...Come to me.”

Wretched creature, scourge of nations
You wrest me to your lost damnation
Can I not reason with you a bit-
Please, sir! There, do come and sit
“...Come to me.”

Away, I cry, you demon's seed
I bear no illness, I have no need
to follow you, please I implore
Away! Away," come back no more...
yet, He went on, much as before
"...Come to me."

I must stay here, my work's not done!
The battle wages, the war's, undone,
'Tis my fight not worth completing?
He only watched, and kept repeating-
“...Come to me.”
Oh Death, I know your wretched grin,
I've seen its reflection on my own sin;
Have I no time to make amends
This can not be where my life ends...
“...Come to me.”

I refuse, said I, I simply will not go!
His voice grew darker, his countenance, lo'
'til I arose, from tufted bed, then I-
turned 'round, then softly said, “good-bye”"
“...And went .”
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