Unforeseen shadow people attack me
Jack Sorenson
26 Jul, 2015 01:55 AMThe Orbs are this first warning As the orbs turn black, I worry Only then, and be ready for the outcome ahead The three long scratches were my arms could never reach Show up in the morning mirrors in the bathroom Where I could never reach to do this in my life Who’s the shadow people? To my thinking they are demons that have fallowed Me due to my past sines, And keep an eye on me daily I’ll go on in my life being punished by them As in giving me a new illness each year of my whole life come I’ll have to endure this… I have many worries, but none is greater that one day As I get older, I’ll be too week to fight them all off of me I only have one choice? To be the only one to survive the darkness now, that place Inside of my heart, mind, and poor soul, I will win in the end against my evilness That wants me dead, and have it way with my soul As a terrible game, I’ve placed in life It’s no joke, I must win or be found dead.
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