Fell's Kitchen
11 Oct, 2015 01:03 PMThe ingredients for success are simple. To begin, You require a heart full of conviction, And a mind Uncluttered by the distractions of this modern-day world. Next, Select a cup of shadows sublime, Mix with a glass of moonbeams over ice, Add a spoonful of laughter, Then drizzle with the music of lunar flakes as they fall from on high. Already you’re halfway there. Now, Fold in a generous helping of childish innocence With a dash of mystery, and hope burning brightly. Blend with the warmth you feel after a goodnight kiss From the one you love, still warm on your lips. Then wait... Allow to stand until twelve o’clock, And as the hour strikes, Add a final pinch of focus to the fell, harmonic resonance of snow chimes at midnight. Then the veil will drop, The call will come, And you’ll see – at last, Oh yes You’ll see...
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