A Black Bird
07 Jan, 2016 04:09 PMI dream of a bird. A black bird. That's what i am. A black bird whose wings are broken. Who the other birds have lost faith in because i cannot fly. The sky has harden. I flap my wings and soar. It hurts so bad. It hurts to be free. I cannot take it anymore. I scream. I fall. I fall to the ground. The sky has darken. The gray clouds roll in. The thunder roars. Lightning strikes. The sky shakes. With little hope. I crawl. I hear a voice. It whispers don't look back. But do and i hate it. I cannot see. I try to look forward but i am blinded by the fear behind me. And i fall. I fall into a hole and climb to a ledge. The hole fills up with water no blood it is filling up thick blood. Lightning strikes then thunder comes no not thunder it screams. The hole is filling up. I am going to drown. I feel comfort and warmth rising in my heart. And i do not scream i sing. I sing beautifully. The blood is up to my neck i try to finish my song but i am choking. I gasp for air. My lungs burning. I close my eyes inhale and die.
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