Never Good Enough
01 Apr, 2016 03:53 AMEveryone says that if you try hard enough You have a chance of making it, Well these people are very lucky then Because for me I’m just a misfit. You try and you do your best But don’t reach your goal, There’s no point in trying So I’ll just go hide in a hole. When you don’t make it People give you pity, Back off and leave me alone I’m not some little kitty. I’m constantly being compared To the one person I really hate, Everyone thinks she is so perfect She’s a ten and I’m a negative eight. She looks down on me Watching as I continue to fail, She notices my mistakes But not my skin, completely pale. I’ve given up on life No point in trying anymore, Leave me in the dark Let me die alone on the floor. She will always be better Better than me at everything, Let me die with this knife Cutting my skin, it doesn’t sting. I’m done trying and living I’m done pretending to be tough, She’s the best at everything While I was never good enough.
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Post a Comment11 Jul, 2016 10:42 PM
i need someone to talk to can i talk to u pls and i really love your poem
11 Jul, 2016 10:44 PM
i love your poem can i talk to u i need someone to talk to badly
20 Jul, 2016 02:33 PM
Thank you. I worked hard on this poem and literally rewrote it like 10 times just to get it right.
25 Apr, 2017 03:26 AM
Your a good writer but listen god is here me and my mom was living in no home with no hubsband with two kids she praid all the time now we live in a big good house god made us please dont be emo its not good for u ill pray for every sad depressed evil people.go to church god will help u my mom was cutting her arm but god help her and god can do it to u read the bible it helps u god bless