A Beautiful Death
Zane A. Murray
06 May, 2016 02:53 PMSo many people are scared of the inevitable end, Maybe it’s because they are convinced that they are condemned, Hellfire that will roast and burn their souls and flesh, Brain-washed of the words described by the king Gilgamesh. Or some people love the aspect of being at the void, And accept that it is something that no one can avoid, They embrace the end, for it is the great abstinence, That’s why they live their lives fully in the great indulgence. Angels and Demons, or God and Devils, They think they can be taken away by either into the paradise or hell of 9 levels, But in my mind, it is the same as the ones who see it as beauty, Something that we all must do, whether we like it or not, it’s our duty. I do not believe in a Heaven or a Hell, but I do believe in a place that we all connect together, Maybe a place of all green gardens, and fruit to eat, communion with one another, A place where we all share the same memories, of peace and serenity, A place of all powerful love, by your loved ones, and by your ancestors frequently. A place where we belong, for it is the great abstinence, but it is different for everyone, Wherever you think you’re going, you’ll probably show up there, when all the of the deeds are done, For the mind is powerful in the eyes of the universe, in which we dwell, Either way, life is the great indulgence and death the great abstinence, so live your life well. Do not be afraid, ever from whatever is beyond, It has to be better than the Earth, where all life will bond, Nothing shall pass on to that world that is without breath, So go ahead and prepare my friend, and take your one life, to be a beautiful death.
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