Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 02:04 AMA heart can bleed an evil deed Yet in nature lie dormant after the fall A return to fear after all The climatic edge toward their own demise Still a word to the wise Cursed A sin will always find you out This ought to give the sinner something to bitch & pout To light a flame in shouts of anguish after the fall Barbed wire fences social advances & no it alls Search for words left unaided in its time The curb of enthusiasm and the sublime In anguish the soul longs for rest In being cursed with fear to never have rest In anguish the appease of the blind We live for vile excess Still a challenge to be free is a quest for time... To travel alone amidst darkened caverns with portals of instant doom We have relatives that beg of you to clean your room This does nothing to stregnthen the heart To light the spark to what it was I have been waiting for Vengence is mine the Lord will repay Giving papal homage in which to bow the knee to pray In papal square thwart in fear An ego scream to shed a single tear Yet no need to fear in which to hide Along the garb of social compromise A word from the wise I shed a single tear to numb its inner pain Yet not having her in my arms was driving me totally insane! Cursed be the man or woman who will take no heed To revere a sovereign Lord in which took the blows The blood soaked sweat on his brow in timeless appease of want No where to lie his head in homage toward the dead Cursed is the one who will not be blessed Our blessed Lord once again is putting you to the ultimate test An eagle will fly through the sky in sense of direction A hero's reflection in never second guessing A heart that is fixed on the natural will never succeed so take heed! Cursed is every man that hangs on the tree Please let this be me?
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