I'm fine - just tired
Leigha Redmond
10 Jul, 2017 04:23 AMSuffocating, she can't catch her breath Panicking, she grasping for anything to prevent this death Shrieking, she's screaming in fear She's afraid of everything that is near Alone, she's so alone but there are so many people standing in her presence But amongst them she feels like she's not in existence No one understands her depression On the outside they see a very different perception They look at her ever so lovely smile Their knees buckle at her laugh they can hear for a mile Her beauty so strong it makes others so weak Her hair, her complexion always so sleek Her radiance just lightens the room Her presence always in full bloom You never would have guessed that underneath it all Is a girl that stands only two inches tall Sunken in such miserable pain Anguished her heart is already slain Her beauty that she can't see Thoughts swirling that she can't set free Searching and searching for a way to evade That's the first time she picked up the blade Dragging it across her skin with such precision A rush of relief in this one incision Again and again, each time feeling a release At last, a few precious moments of peace Unable to explain the joy that she feels She drags the blade over and over with thrill Addicted she becomes to the freedom she receives This is the only way she believes Motivated by those moments she felt She found her way to deal with the disease she was dealt Disapproving eyes judge her scars Not looking past into her memoirs She doesn't care, she will do it again Despite being told self harm is a sin She will cut and cut until it ends Rather it be the pain or her life that suspends The moral of the story is do not judge Look deep down inside her and find the trudge The long path that lead her to this pivotal place Try understanding the circumstances that put her in this space Read her, she's an open book It's up to you to open the binding and take a look What are you afraid of, the story you may find? Or the backlash for not seeing the warning signs? Step back, take the time, make it right, help her back Back to a place she deserves to be Happy, healthy, and set free
Tags: Depression, Insanity
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