
Bailey Blake

03 Dec, 2013 08:15 PM
Close your eyes
Count to five
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Tags: Nothing, Suicide, Cutting, Shattered, Broken, Death, Evil, Voices, Blood
Votes: 10

For Your Hateful Throne.

Pride Ed

29 Oct, 2014 02:37 PM
Held captive in hell by memories of thee,
And every deceit that has befallen me.
I’ll break these chains like damaged bone;
Fractured clean and broken free
Like a corpse flung from the throne,
Cast aside cold and alone.

With this blood from boiling vein,
Your pain I seek in echoed refrain.
I elicit the shadows in ravenous streams;
The unhinged ire of fallen dark dreams!
My abhorred soldiers shall win my new throne
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Tags: Curse, Death, Destruction, Pain, Darkness, Hell, Spells, Demons, Condemnation, Anger
Votes: 3

A Monster's Suicide


09 May, 2014 09:29 PM
Another cut, to distract the pain,
Another pill, just to keep sane. 
Alive but dead in a tormenting hell,
Knowing, you'll never fully get well.
Scaring away the few that stood by,
I scream to the heavens and ask God "why"?
 Finally, someone sees I'm a monster,
They see the scars and the reasons they've conquered.
What they don't see is the pain that is hidden,
Deep within my heart it is written.
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Tags: Death, MONSTER, Suicide, Hate, Fear, Abuse, Scary, Darkness
Votes: 17


Sammie Brown

24 Feb, 2014 09:08 AM
I won’t eat 
I will starve
I won’t talk but listen 
I will cut but
I won’t let the pain show 
I will wear black to hind it 
I won’t make fuss of my crying 
I will hind my tears
I won’t let them know of my pain
I will let then hurt me but 
I won’t let them in 
I will stand alone
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Tags: Pain, Crying, Cutting, Tears, Hurt, Depression, Suicide, Suffering, Alone, Selfharm
Votes: 5

Last goodbye.

Raven Wolff

23 Oct, 2012 10:28 PM
I'm ready
its time I take my last breath.
end my suffering life.
I know I promised.
but I cant hold on anymore.
I cant take this.
This is hell
This is horrible.
End it now! before.
Before I do.
Right now I just wanna,
put this blade to my vain.
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Tags: Goodbye, Forever Gone, Lost, Dark, Suicide, Suicide Note, Pain, Blood
Votes: 21



19 Dec, 2013 12:30 PM
When night falls
the suns last rays are too soon forgotten
and the temperature drops
just like my heartbeat

Smiles quickly turn into tears 
unspoken words and broken promises
the streets are almost as empty as I am 

Try to drown out everything but the sound of the rain
loneliness is my only real best friend
my thoughts are darker than the night sky
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Tags: Selfharm, Death, Suicide, Blood, Darkness, Cutting, Hurt, Alone
Votes: 12

I'm Sorry I Love You

Your Worst Nightmare

26 Feb, 2013 09:39 PM
Do you know what it's like to feel pain?
To feel loss

It's like a swelling in your heart
That just won't go away
And when you realize its still there
It's like a punch to the face

Do you know what's it's like
To know you're the reason
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Tags: Hell, Heaven, Demon, Emo, Evil, Hate, Dark Soul
Votes: 12


Zane-Geoff Hugo

06 May, 2014 11:10 AM
I am a lost soul
Nowhere to go
Darkness all around me
like the art on my wrists
my mind is screaming
on the outside I’m smiling

One more flick of the of the brush and the work should be complete
Red stains the canvas
Tears brush my eyelashes
My art is done
I drop the brush
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Tags: Blood, Tears, Pain, Cutting, Depress, Death, Suicide, Alone, Afrai
Votes: 12

His Final Moments

Zach Nielson

02 May, 2013 04:54 AM
In the dark room, your arms and legs are warm and wet
The scent of iron engulfs your nose
A dim light bounces beams of grey over your figure
As you look down, you notice a black crimson
This image startles you, while a rush of pain hits your wrists

As you cry out for help, you realize
No one will help you
Not a soul can.

The blade has cut vertically, signing your death
She walks over to you
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Tags: Suicide, Blood, Imagry, Darkness, Tears, Death
Votes: 3

Grim Reaper.


14 May, 2014 07:35 PM
I live a lonely life,
Which is never ending,
My heart and soul have died,
For which I will never cry.

For those who cross my path,
My face is etched with worry,
For you shall witness death,
Everyones last breath. 

No man will ever see,
the torment I must face,
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Tags: Death, Devil, Sucide, Darkness, Angel, Grim Reaper, Sorrow, Suffering, Sacrifice
Votes: 3