Raven Wolff

23 Oct, 2012 10:31 PM
Why am I here?
Why am I alive?
Why am I breathing?
Why the fuck am I still here?
Please just kill me.
Shoot me.
End my pain.

No one hears my cries.
My calls of help.
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Tags: Gone, Bye, Murder, Death, Suicide, Pain, Suffering
Votes: 5

Fork end lad

Shyam Nair

27 May, 2013 02:48 PM
For I'm your fork end lad,
Choices were stipulated to be bad,
Options were never at dearth,
They came two a piece a berth

Prospective's  they would beam,
Heed and look beyond the seam,
For there in lies the one,
Tryst with which grants you pardon,

But for I'm your fork end lad,
Heaven's the only way I've had,
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Tags: Devil, Life, Lost, Heaven, Hell
Votes: 0

Red blue gray


28 May, 2015 08:06 PM
this room has only three colors 
red blue gray
this blade only cuts three things
wrist eyes soul

the angel is knocking herself to the window
her wings left gray shades 
she is laughing

i flow the first river 
my memory is still hanging
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Tags: Death, Alone, Dead, Suicide, Suicidal, Pain, Psycho, Hell
Votes: 3

Alone, scared.

Raven Wolff

23 Oct, 2012 10:21 PM
Let me Cut,
deep into my wrist.
For if I die,
I wont be missed.
Why would I be missed?

I mean,
look at me,
I'm just a stupid fucking nobody.
if I don't wanna be here,
why should I stay?
[Read More]
Tags: Alone, Lost, Forgettable, Death, Kill Me, Pain, Suffering
Votes: 14

Where the Birds Come to Die

nicholas johnson

12 Feb, 2013 08:39 PM
Why is it so cold, so dark,
Where all the birds come to die?
Dusty feathers and echoing songs
lurk under a stormy sky.

The flock of flocks is lost and alone
Ending up perching here
Skeletons fall where talons once danced
Without sound, they fall like tears

Is the sky crying,
the clouds shedding rain,
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Tags: Deth, Insanity, Sad, Creepy, Dark, Night, Darkness
Votes: 0


Sara Crumbley

11 Jul, 2013 04:32 AM
Love and kindness is all around.
Yet, loneliness is still found.
By myself I'll always be,
In a crowded room, I'll all but scream.

Death is certain, this is known;
You cannot run nor hide.
In the darkness I await my time,
Whilst you taunt me all the time.

I could do it, I have the chance.
Yet, I wait for you to come to my side.
[Read More]
Tags: Scream, Death, Depression, Suffering, Suicide, Dark Mind
Votes: 6

The boy called 'IT' and 'Mistake'

Dark Wolf

27 Mar, 2013 08:33 PM
As I lay there,
with crimson,
knowing I'm laying,
that I'm going,

I'm going to die,
As I smile when I know,
I'm about to die,
I think in my head,
as I lay there,
in my head I ask,
[Read More]
Tags: Suicide, Cutting, Death, Pain, Hate
Votes: 4

Dark Street


06 Dec, 2012 09:24 PM
It is dark all around me,
and the capricious winds of destiny
push me and chase me on
into even more frightening darkness,
where solitude rules,
as if it was the honest truth
that there is no place for me neither here nor there,
nor anywhere, and still,
that the thought haunts me
that I am here somehow for her sake.

This darkness can only be lightened by Your gaze,
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Tags: Darkness, Solitude, Alone, Dark World, Lost, Death
Votes: 1

Smash my Brain

Raven Wolff

05 Oct, 2012 05:06 AM
cut me up,
tear me down,
feed me to the birds.
Make me feel no pain,

I cry out, 
but no one can,
can end my suffering,
end my pain.
I'm broken,
far to broken to be fixed.
[Read More]
Tags: Kill, Death, Dark, Suffering, Pain, Drown, Cut, Beat
Votes: 1

Petals Off A Tree


14 Apr, 2016 08:59 PM
Watch me bleed out until there is nothing left inside of me.
A flood pours out and the blood beings to seethe.

There is no turning back, you know what you've done to me
My bleeding out, is that what sets you free?
If so, then I have a job for you-
Under the hanging tree.

They're coming for you, and they will catch you one day you'll see.
Feeding off our body, your a monster who disgusts me.
Blood slips onto the roots, boiling underneath.
Now an endless hell awaits you, as far as the eye can see.
[Read More]
Tags: Suicide, Cutting, Hell, Death, Dying, Blood, Sad
Votes: 6