Showing results for tag "Abuse"
Make Me Bleed
Ashley Paradis
22 Mar, 2017 07:12 PMGrab your knife, Peel it off. Squirting blood By the pint and drink until you're full. Take my kidneys And render me useless. I want you to cut me up Cut it out Tell me that I'm garbage.Tags: Blood, Graphic, Abuse, Death
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Votes: 10
~Psychotic Rage~
Midnyt Ravyn
23 Jul, 2016 06:49 PMWeakened by the blow Dizzy from the haze I'm caught in the crossfire Once again you go Into your psychotic rage Leaving me breathless I'm overcome with hate Your laughter deafens me While I whither in pain Taken away my sanityTags: Anger, Abuse, Hurt
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Votes: 0
a memory I hate...
16 Jun, 2014 07:53 AMAs I stare at myself, through shattered glass, crimson tears, shine bold as brass, Dripping slowly, from my blood-stained hand, as I slowly fall, fall and land, Someone release me, from the bowels of hell,Tags: Depression, Dark, Alone, Sad, Suffering, Abuse, Fear, Hurt, Hate
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Votes: 5
Hate life, Hate me.
16 Jun, 2014 07:13 AMGod I hate life, God I hate me, I just wish there was more, more to see, Than the blackened remains, Of my burned-out soul, Or the bleeding love, That my heart controls,Tags: Fear, Pain, Misery, Abuse, Hate, Suicide, Sad, Suffering, Selfharm, Sorrow
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Votes: 1
A Monster's Suicide
09 May, 2014 09:29 PMAnother cut, to distract the pain, Another pill, just to keep sane. Alive but dead in a tormenting hell, Knowing, you'll never fully get well. Scaring away the few that stood by, I scream to the heavens and ask God "why"? Finally, someone sees I'm a monster, They see the scars and the reasons they've conquered. What they don't see is the pain that is hidden, Deep within my heart it is written.Tags: Death, MONSTER, Suicide, Hate, Fear, Abuse, Scary, Darkness
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Votes: 17
Beautiful Crack Whore
Euphoria Godsent
26 Mar, 2013 12:52 AMI need you to pull down my panties And spank me I need you to rip off my clothes And beat me I need you to call me a slut And f**k me In front of your friends Yes, pimp me Glue my mouth shut Stuff me in a box And fed ex meTags: Love, Prostitution, Abuse, Euphoria Godsent, Drug Addiction
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Votes: 12