Showing results for tag "Alone"


Ally Randall

18 Oct, 2013 11:01 PM
Darkness fills the chamber,
Cold and lonesome she stands,
Dreading the thing that will come and maim her,
Her thoughts cease to end

Forgotten shadows linger,
Drowned cries scream in terror,
They don't want it to ring her,
Forced to follow what it favors

A presence arrives,
Dagger at it's side,
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Tags: Dead, Freaky, Ghost, Demon, Evil, Death, Dark, Alone, Pain, Possession, Demonic, Emo, Goth, Sad, Suicidal, Scary
Votes: 6

Give in to the Pain


10 Nov, 2013 06:02 PM
The empty room is flooded with moonlight 
It's already way past midnight
Your hands are shaking
As your mask is slowly breaking 

A streak of liquid silver trails down your cheek
Even if you tried you could not speak
An icy breeze caresses your skin 
But you're numb; you can't feel a thing

Give in to the pain...
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Tags: Pain, Numb, Suicide, Cutting, Blood, Self Harm, Lost, Alone, Death, Dark, Hell, Demonic
Votes: 38

A Girls Worst Nightmare


29 Dec, 2013 06:35 PM
Her innocence,
Her hope,

Beaten and bruised.
Battered and broken.
it all hurts the same,
And its always unspoken.

Tied to a cross,
We cried for shattered souls.
[Read More]
Tags: Nightmare, Sadness, Girl, Alone, Hurt, Hate, Hopeless, Hell, Heartbroken, Forgotten, Broken, Cross, Sin, Sinners
Votes: 2

My Demon


06 Sep, 2013 01:31 AM
Late at night I can feel the emptiness
Close my eyes for a second, and there it is 
Slowly killing me on the inside
It's everywhere; I can't hide

I'm running from something invisible
I tried to kill it but its invincible 
When its shadow claws reach out for me 
I cannot breath easily 

My silent screams 
Are worse than bad dreams
[Read More]
Tags: Pain, Demon, Hurt, Alone, Lost, Darkness, Suffering, Tears
Votes: 74



07 Aug, 2013 04:47 AM
It sits in the corner 
In a pitch dark chamber of nothin' 
Spots fall everywhere 
Not expected 

It sits still 
Slowly breathing 
It calls no one finds 
It screams no one comes 
It yells no reaction 
It cries no motion
[Read More]
Tags: Hurt, Ignored, Sad, Death, Suicide, Alone, Dark, Left
Votes: 5

You're dead.


22 Jan, 2014 03:25 AM
You're being held down.
Held down by you're demons 
You can't breath 
You can't take it anymore 
No one will care 
No one will notice
The time has come 
Grab the knife 
Grab the pills 
Grab the rope 
Write you're note..
You're dying
[Read More]
Tags: Death, Suicide, Alone, Demons, Dead, Gone, Hell, Pain, Kill, Gun, Rope, Pills
Votes: 1

a memory I hate...


16 Jun, 2014 07:53 AM
As I stare at myself,
through shattered glass,
crimson tears,
shine bold as brass,

Dripping slowly, 
from my blood-stained hand,
as I slowly fall,
fall and land,

Someone release me, 
from the bowels of hell,
[Read More]
Tags: Depression, Dark, Alone, Sad, Suffering, Abuse, Fear, Hurt, Hate
Votes: 5

My Shadow

Malebolgia Hellbourne

07 Oct, 2013 06:24 PM
Bloodstains in my fingerprints.
Screams inside my head.
Memories of imagination.
I'm dancing with the dead.
Whispers in the shadows.
Death waits upon the eve...
I've come to love the darkness.
The night is when I feed.

Black, it is my very soul.
The devil kneels to me.
But like a stone, my heart was thrown.
[Read More]
Tags: Death, Darkness, Curse, Alone, Sorrow, Devil, Dark Soul
Votes: 26

So cold


10 Nov, 2013 05:58 PM
The coldness surrounds me
I feel so alone
It cuts through my skin
And settles deep into my bone

It clouds my vision
And muffles all the sound
It hurts to breath
I can feel it all around 

I can't move
my mind is a wreck
[Read More]
Tags: Death, Darkness, Alone, Lost, Suicide, Depression, Coldness, Cutting
Votes: 25


Sammie Brown

24 Feb, 2014 09:08 AM
I won’t eat 
I will starve
I won’t talk but listen 
I will cut but
I won’t let the pain show 
I will wear black to hind it 
I won’t make fuss of my crying 
I will hind my tears
I won’t let them know of my pain
I will let then hurt me but 
I won’t let them in 
I will stand alone
[Read More]
Tags: Pain, Crying, Cutting, Tears, Hurt, Depression, Suicide, Suffering, Alone, Selfharm
Votes: 5