Showing results for tag "Anger"
~Psychotic Rage~
Midnyt Ravyn
23 Jul, 2016 06:49 PMWeakened by the blow Dizzy from the haze I'm caught in the crossfire Once again you go Into your psychotic rage Leaving me breathless I'm overcome with hate Your laughter deafens me While I whither in pain Taken away my sanityTags: Anger, Abuse, Hurt
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Eternal rest
04 Feb, 2016 02:22 AMAs i inhale my last breath and my heart fades away. I lay watching the stars for i know they're the way. My eyes filled with tears and my face with a smile. I know ill be up there soon with the stars and moon. My ears listening to every and last sound of the night. My wrists on the ground, red and wet. My legs laying numb and in regret. The heat leaving my body making me cold. I know because its what ive been told. My heart grows weak and unbearably icy. The voices in my head disappear nicely. My eyes fade to nothing-ness as i fall into eternal rest.Tags: Depression, Sad, Anger
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Votes: 2
The Neverending.
Pride Ed
08 Jan, 2015 09:17 PMI find you rattling my cage at midnight; bones exposed, rapping on the iron bars that trap the clandestine, and the lucifugous. The beatings were nonstop, almost profuse in nature with invectives that I’ve howled at the moon (like scared children in rags, we howled at the moon), and the cold stars wept salted tears that feltTags: Pain, Dark, Sadness, Anger, Hate, Death
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Votes: 0
The Corruption.
Pride Ed
08 Jan, 2015 09:15 PMSo precious; so useless; this Tree of Virtues has perished amidst my angry tempest, laid to waste by carnal desire. I’ve realized many moons ago, that brutality and lust are the same as we delighted in the tremulous movements of the frightened! Diabolical wraiths extol our actions; haughty arroganceTags: Sins, Hell, Dark, Anger
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Votes: 0
Pride Ed
29 Oct, 2014 03:40 PM"Old houses mended, Cost little less than new before they're ended." — Colley Cibber. When all is said and done, you’ll stand there like ancient wood-rot, and I’ll let you fall in ruin. “You are so easy to break.Tags: Ruin, Revenge, Death, Decay, Anger, Forgotten, Abandoned, Personification
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Votes: 2
For Your Hateful Throne.
Pride Ed
29 Oct, 2014 02:37 PMHeld captive in hell by memories of thee, And every deceit that has befallen me. I’ll break these chains like damaged bone; Fractured clean and broken free Like a corpse flung from the throne, Cast aside cold and alone. With this blood from boiling vein, Your pain I seek in echoed refrain. I elicit the shadows in ravenous streams; The unhinged ire of fallen dark dreams! My abhorred soldiers shall win my new throneTags: Curse, Death, Destruction, Pain, Darkness, Hell, Spells, Demons, Condemnation, Anger
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Votes: 3
The Sinner
Pride Ed
13 Jun, 2014 05:47 AMComing down is the temple of the mage. The candles on the walls fall down and sets my rage again. So if you see everything burn, Just leave me here torn. For I don't have the strength left To put out the embers just born. And if I am to die by fire, Then that would just be my fate. I was promised to die by water, But that promise came too late. Again the philosopher is stoned.Tags: Death, Pain, Despair, Anger, Hell, Demon
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Votes: 0
14 May, 2014 08:05 PMAnger courses through the veins, Stopping the love the heart gives out, Red to black the heart freezes over, Nothing wrong with that. Until the day the questions are asked, That make the mind scream and shout, The anger has no where to go, But maybe it can come out. The first breath hurts, The second is alright,Tags: Anger, Life, Cutting, Blood, Heart, Free, Pain, Suffering
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Votes: 2
14 May, 2014 07:54 PMTravelling through the forest, Feeling like a tourist, The moons the only guide, To which I need to find. The chances that I will win, To find my only kin, Dwindles every hour, Which is very sour. Is there nothing I can do, To help the wind that never blew,Tags: Darkness, Dark, Life, Monster, Death, Anger
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Votes: 3
Not Relevant
23 Feb, 2014 02:29 AMI have a rage inside me. Something I need to control, but I do not want to. I know that should I fail to control it, bad things will happen. It will be worse than how it is now. But I still want to release it. Not In the way of batting cages, or drawing, or writing, but In the way of violence. Real, painful violence. Never towards myself. Not anymore. Her is who I want to Hit. Over and over, until my Hands are bleeding, and then more. Until I Hear her stop crying for Help. And herTags: Death, Hate, Depression, Murder, Kill, Killing, Violence, Suicide, Anger, Angry, Mad, Hatred, Hurt, Hurting, Damag
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Votes: 1