Showing results for tag "Blood"
Bleeding Soul
Dead Empty Soul
09 Nov, 2014 03:22 PMThis dark room of four walls Becomes a prison to my heart I run through the empty halls My heart died from the start When I see your smile I think I just wanna die You look at my skin Like it is a sin The laughter echoes in my head And now I think I'm deadTags: Death, Suicide, Pain, Hurt, Blood
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Votes: 6
Story and dance of the Demon Master
Rochelle Poet
04 Sep, 2014 10:02 AMBeyond the damp dingy sewers and into the underground, where the earthworms burrow and termites bite, I creep within the soils, into the mud, below the trails of decaying rotting human flesh, in search of a satisfying delightful treat. For I spend much of my time, hidden into the earth's darkness, in search of souls that bring me short-lived happy orgasmic thrills.Tags: Death, Darkness, Demon, Blood
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Votes: 2
That's Where I Dream
Dee Rush
10 Aug, 2014 09:39 AMThat's where I dream The blood of my heart bleeds dark My soul is the mark The pain I feel is deep Death is steep That's where I dream I got a bottle of pills It gives me the thrills I got a gun to my headTags: Death, Bleed, Bleeding, Blood, Die, Cutting
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Votes: 6
The Master
Dao Her
02 Aug, 2014 02:24 AMWhen I am at my worst, no thing will get in my way. The feeling of bloodthirsty, is all that is left. I shall slaughter, and fight my way to the top. No pure soul will stop me. When the moon hit, over the dark night, and the dark hidden clouds, I will awake once again. A bloodshed,Tags: Master, Afraid, Blood
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Votes: 2
She smiled
Jack Sorenson
13 Jul, 2014 02:23 AMHer sweet blue little eyes were looking so very sad Her little sweet lips as her closed mouth were stitched closed Now she turned into a dark torment frown. Why does this little Lady feel so bad? I’ll never rightly know? What is causing her to be cover in fresh blood The young lady she then just smiled? Toward me, she stands upright, standing alone into the darkness Of the cold winter night were I came across her Now standing before my block,Tags: Kill, Blood, Vampire, Violence
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Votes: 10
14 May, 2014 08:05 PMAnger courses through the veins, Stopping the love the heart gives out, Red to black the heart freezes over, Nothing wrong with that. Until the day the questions are asked, That make the mind scream and shout, The anger has no where to go, But maybe it can come out. The first breath hurts, The second is alright,Tags: Anger, Life, Cutting, Blood, Heart, Free, Pain, Suffering
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Votes: 2
Zane-Geoff Hugo
06 May, 2014 11:10 AMI am a lost soul Nowhere to go Darkness all around me like the art on my wrists my mind is screaming on the outside I’m smiling One more flick of the of the brush and the work should be complete Red stains the canvas Tears brush my eyelashes My art is done I drop the brushTags: Blood, Tears, Pain, Cutting, Depress, Death, Suicide, Alone, Afrai
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Votes: 12
Dreams of You
27 Apr, 2014 09:42 PMI always dream of empty skies and in this dream nobody dies but all I know is these are lies and all I are deathly cries walk with me, you need to see what I've become and what I'll be my dear have you forsaken me when all I did was walk with thee I've lost you, love, among my dreams and tears fall down as steady streamsTags: Love, Alone, Dead, Blood, Broken
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Votes: 7
The Final Cut
The Girl With The Bloody Mask
19 Mar, 2014 04:23 PMI am lost soul No where to go Darkness all around Like the cuts on my skin The blade sits before me mocking me i need it i want it i long to see my skin swell and bleed i slowly take the blade First cut will be my last As i cut into my vein My blood drips i dont scream or cry My Final Cut kills me tonightTags: Death, Dark, Alone, Pain, Cutting, Blood
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Votes: 8