Showing results for tag "Hell"
Evil Minds That Plug Destruction
Mario Vitale
07 Jun, 2017 02:03 AMWho sets the standard ? Satan Who is the prince of the power of the air ? The devil Actions in which humans rebel against God Miss their true purpose for their lives Surrendering to the prince of the air more then God Cause all their deeds were evil Ozzy Osbourne stand of this with Black Sabbath Many heads today are going to have to take a long bath They bitch, pout & scream Living in their darkened world of meanTags: False, Evil, Hell
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Votes: 2
Zane A. Murray
19 May, 2016 09:14 PMTartarus, the eternal pit, full of fire and smoke, Where the beast of the pit walks his ways, in his infinite black cloak, He walks with a sturdy step, along the dust and bones of the righteous dead, And along the rivers of blood that runs with the color red. His name is Satan, Ruler of the Earth, King of the World, in his abode, With the darkened of skies that linger with thunder, along with a birds that had crowed, No one dies here in this realm, only does the Lord of Darkness die into rest here, And only shall he be indestructible from the fire and the cries of fear. As he walks in the darkness, with the smell of rotten meat and skin, He scratches his legs and arms, and runs the hand through the hair on his chin,Tags: Hell, Darkness, Death, Devil
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Votes: 2
Petals Off A Tree
14 Apr, 2016 08:59 PMWatch me bleed out until there is nothing left inside of me. A flood pours out and the blood beings to seethe. There is no turning back, you know what you've done to me My bleeding out, is that what sets you free? If so, then I have a job for you- Under the hanging tree. They're coming for you, and they will catch you one day you'll see. Feeding off our body, your a monster who disgusts me. Blood slips onto the roots, boiling underneath. Now an endless hell awaits you, as far as the eye can see.Tags: Suicide, Cutting, Hell, Death, Dying, Blood, Sad
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Votes: 6
Run, dear girl
25 Feb, 2016 12:40 AMI sing for you my dear for now is the time when you must run I will hurt you I will kill you Run my dear girl run Run from the pain The sorrow and the love you lost Run from meTags: Run, Suicide Note, Hell
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Votes: 3
Zane A. Murray
04 Nov, 2015 07:17 PMMost of us worship an invisible man, I don’t understand how people can, We’ve never met him, Earth or sky, All I ask is a simple, “Why?” A man named God, somewhere in the clouds, Created the Earth, planted crowds, A big beard, and white robe, Is given faith around this blue globe. Created Hell for the wicked and bad, Created Heaven for the righteous and glad,Tags: God, Heaven, Hell, Halo
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Votes: 4
13 Aug, 2015 12:05 PMI will send them down to hell, oh my oh dear that sounds so swell Burn their houses down to the ground Keep their heads under water to drown Beat them with sticks to their grave For all the pain that they gave Their souls shall rot in hell, and I won't feel any pity oh well Use knives to stab their hearts Get an ax and cut them to parts Tie them to tracks and run them over with a train I'll be getting them back for being inhumane The devil will burn them down in hell, they'll screech and whine and don't forget yellTags: Hell, Death, Love, Burn
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Votes: 4
Red blue gray
28 May, 2015 08:06 PMthis room has only three colors red blue gray this blade only cuts three things wrist eyes soul the angel is knocking herself to the window her wings left gray shades she is laughing i flow the first river my memory is still hangingTags: Death, Alone, Dead, Suicide, Suicidal, Pain, Psycho, Hell
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Votes: 3
When The Devil Leavs His Layer
07 Apr, 2015 01:11 PMWhen the Devil leaves his lair You should run and hide Because you’ll be unaware That he is by your side He will be soon chaining you In that old oak tree Then leave you hanging And let your black soul free But if you take my warning With you to your graveTags: Devil, Hell
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Votes: 7
The Corruption.
Pride Ed
08 Jan, 2015 09:15 PMSo precious; so useless; this Tree of Virtues has perished amidst my angry tempest, laid to waste by carnal desire. I’ve realized many moons ago, that brutality and lust are the same as we delighted in the tremulous movements of the frightened! Diabolical wraiths extol our actions; haughty arroganceTags: Sins, Hell, Dark, Anger
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Votes: 0
I welcome you, Devil
Dead Empty Soul
08 Nov, 2014 10:42 AMOur hearts beating together; A wind blow past your face, Grazing your cheek as your tears run down The trees are haunting, The stream is taunting; Our fear is what keeps them alive, Just for tonight The witch is laughing, Tearing down our wall we built together She comes closer,Tags: Hell, Satan, Devils, Insanity, Darkness, Death, Pain
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Votes: 3