Showing results for tag "Night"
Where the Birds Come to Die
nicholas johnson
12 Feb, 2013 08:39 PMWhy is it so cold, so dark, Where all the birds come to die? Dusty feathers and echoing songs lurk under a stormy sky. The flock of flocks is lost and alone Ending up perching here Skeletons fall where talons once danced Without sound, they fall like tears Is the sky crying, the clouds shedding rain,Tags: Deth, Insanity, Sad, Creepy, Dark, Night, Darkness
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Votes: 0
Happy Halloween, to C.B. Hannegan's
Jack Sorenson
11 Nov, 2012 12:55 AMHappy Halloween, to C.B. Hannegan's By Author Jack Sorenson The ghost in the garden, crept into, Cb’s one day They like what they saw, and smelled from the kitchen cooking, So they stayed for the night, on old Hollows eve Cracks twigs, as the ghost, treads no more further On the outside, in the cold, Lighted, by the full moon, now encased, by fantasy lightingTags: Ghost, Night, Dark, Moonlight, Alone, Darkness
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Votes: 63
The Wizard
Jack Sorenson
11 Nov, 2012 12:54 AMThe sunlight has faded The sounds of the night came, Which frighten, most humans away And sent them running back to the camp fire Screams came to all our ears From of course the shadows afar Of darkness by the forest trees Quickened heartbeats beaded the strangeness of animal’s cries came aloud Now come to be in the shadowsTags: Wizard, Dark, Fear, Creature Of Darkness, Night, Darkness
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Votes: 7
When It Gets Dark...
22 Jan, 2012 03:38 AMWhen It Gets Dark - A Prayer of Darkpalm21 When it gets dark the birds & flowers Shut their eyes & says goodnight And the father who loves them is counting the hours of darkness... And keeps them safe until the light comes again and blur away the hour of darkness... Dear Father, Count the hours tonight... When I can't see any light... Because I know you will never put me outTags: Darkness, Night
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Votes: 19