Showing results for tag "Suffering"
Help Me?
02 Nov, 2016 07:47 PMBlood drips from my eyes Tears flow from my veins Strangle my feelings Hurt me I beg of you Take away my pain Don't make me live another day I live this life for you But why when I don't want to? Screams, Screams, fill my head Help Me!, they begTags: Death, Depression, Suffering
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Votes: 3
Wasteful Existence
Austin Jones
26 Apr, 2015 08:01 PMThis darkened world Full of death, evil, despair Nothingness I walk along an empty road leading to absolutely nothing, nowhere It simply goes on and on Until forever ends I am no exception Despair will come for me Yes, this I am sure ofTags: Suffering, Despair, Misery
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Votes: 2
Sickness and The Saviour
09 Jan, 2015 09:02 AMThe sickness is calling, Asking for my hand, I'm in a dark place so empty and bare. I pray for a saviour, Screaming at the top of my lungs, I look around to find no one is there. Sickness begins to beg me for my soul, Tells me I have no control, I find a gun and grab the bullet, Pleading for someone to save my life.Tags: Fear, Suffering, Depression, Hopeless, Believing, Forsaken
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Votes: 2
The Darkest Side - Darkpalm21
23 Jul, 2014 01:15 AMOver my deepest flesh There is something I hide behind my smile Ever since my sufferings started... At First its too hard to pretend that everything's alright and I taught that if I can't manage to keep these thing inside everything will be remain miserable... My faith,hope,love or even everything I own will eventually void by these thing and turn everything in to guilt and hatredTags: Revenged, Pain, Darkness, Hatred, Suffering
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Votes: 3
a memory I hate...
16 Jun, 2014 07:53 AMAs I stare at myself, through shattered glass, crimson tears, shine bold as brass, Dripping slowly, from my blood-stained hand, as I slowly fall, fall and land, Someone release me, from the bowels of hell,Tags: Depression, Dark, Alone, Sad, Suffering, Abuse, Fear, Hurt, Hate
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Votes: 5
16 Jun, 2014 07:30 AMAs the darkness takes me, enfolds me in its arms, tears come fast, hot and strong. The sky is a vase, of purest black, the moon is obscured, by clouds that crack. tear drops glimmer, as the moment starts to pass,Tags: Death, Depression, Dark, Alone, Pain, Darkness, Suffering
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Votes: 6
Hate life, Hate me.
16 Jun, 2014 07:13 AMGod I hate life, God I hate me, I just wish there was more, more to see, Than the blackened remains, Of my burned-out soul, Or the bleeding love, That my heart controls,Tags: Fear, Pain, Misery, Abuse, Hate, Suicide, Sad, Suffering, Selfharm, Sorrow
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Votes: 1
14 May, 2014 08:05 PMAnger courses through the veins, Stopping the love the heart gives out, Red to black the heart freezes over, Nothing wrong with that. Until the day the questions are asked, That make the mind scream and shout, The anger has no where to go, But maybe it can come out. The first breath hurts, The second is alright,Tags: Anger, Life, Cutting, Blood, Heart, Free, Pain, Suffering
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Votes: 2
Hour Glass
14 May, 2014 07:38 PMLife is like an hourglass, You have less time than you think, The Devil holds your hourglass, He decides your fate. Time is ticking, Sand drains quicker than most, For you are just a half full hourglass, Life fading at every glance. Your never ending fear, Of reaching the end,Tags: Death, Pain, Alone, Sadness, Soul, Suicide, Suffering, Hatred
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Votes: 5
Grim Reaper.
14 May, 2014 07:35 PMI live a lonely life, Which is never ending, My heart and soul have died, For which I will never cry. For those who cross my path, My face is etched with worry, For you shall witness death, Everyones last breath. No man will ever see, the torment I must face,Tags: Death, Devil, Sucide, Darkness, Angel, Grim Reaper, Sorrow, Suffering, Sacrifice
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Votes: 3