Showing results for tag "Truth"
Once Upon A Time
Andrew Smailes
09 Apr, 2014 12:57 AMOnce upon a Time. Such a wonderful phrase indeed. This world is unsightly. Oh would you kindly. Rewrite this story, I plead. To castles and Kingdoms worlds full of colour and ones full of wonder. maybe one in the future will do. Though it hits me. in these stories a plenty, how does good always win when evil is always on top?Tags: Story, Truth, Evil, Good, Stories
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Votes: 4
The Journey !
25 May, 2013 04:29 PMLike birth is usual, also Death is a natural, a likely process; As the soul begins an eternal Journey; body shuts down by its own. Whether young or old; rich or poor Beautiful or ugly; virgin or impure; We must face and deal with it one day;Tags: Jouney, Death, Life, Truth
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Votes: 0
Bitter Truth
Your Worst Nightmare
26 Feb, 2013 09:41 PMDo you want truth? Do you want pain? Do you want guilt? Is this what you want, fame? Well let me tell you something Sympathy won't get you anywhere People have dealt through great losses And you mock them We're like dolls attached to string Dancing up, moving downTags: Truth, Puppets
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Votes: 4
Blood, a gift
Kaiza Urai
12 Feb, 2013 07:29 PMAm I really so unusual Am I such an awful thing? That I deserved such prejudice From you who acts as king? Look at yourself, so noble and wise An emperor so bold To slay your own kin without thought To keep your stash of gold I tell you, king, Sir Demigod All things that live must endTags: Vampire, Blood, Death, Love, Monster, Truth, Slay, Life, Living, Evil, Sin
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Votes: 11
On the darkness in all of us
Kaiza Urai
01 Feb, 2013 09:37 PMIf madness leads to freedom And to dark shall all things end I hold my mind to ransom And to dusk my soul I send You come here speaking of the light And all the good it brings, But in the end you shall succumb To truth that darkness sings You have a god to look upon And hope that gives you meaningTags: Darkness, Madness, Insanity, Mind, Soul, Disease, Sickness, Light, Truth, God
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Votes: 11