Showing results for tag "black"
Zane A. Murray
31 Oct, 2015 06:18 AMBlack is the color I wear, Black is the color I see, Black is what I bear, Black is what I decree, People upon people swallowing the halls, All stare at me with complete awe, Judgment is in the air and written on the walls, With this feeling I solemnly lock my jaw. Their eyes locked with mine, My music blasting in my ears,Tags: Black, Depression, Judgment
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Votes: 6
12 Sep, 2012 09:36 PMBlack is the color of a broken heart Black is the pain I fill when you don’t talk to me Black is the darkness that hides me Black is nothing Black is my heart which loves you As black as my hair which hides my face Black is the nothingness that consumes my world Black as night I cry In the darkness I hide Following the shadows in the darkTags: Black
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Votes: 0