Showing results for tag "death"
Death's Door
14 Jun, 2015 06:18 AMI sit Alone At the borders of damnation No place to call home No prayers for salvation The Moon Bright red and full The end is soon The end, so why rule? Judgement Day Lay moments awayTags: Death, Alone, Darkness, Dark Mind
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Votes: 1
jerry harrenstein
08 Jun, 2015 07:03 PMHer name is Shelly and she comes from the dank, dark depths of New Delhi. People say that Shelly is a woman scorned and that is why I want all men to be forewarned! Many a victim say that Shelly is over 2,000 years oldTags: Death
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Votes: 1
monster in a perfect body
01 Jun, 2015 02:27 PMBeating hearts stop dead at night shadow horrors fill them to the brim with fright deadly venomous Poisonous beating faster and harder now your heart i will surely take trusting me was a big mistake now ive got you on your knees Crying beggingTags: Murder, Insanity, Death, Blood, Graphic
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Votes: 5
Psychopathic massacre
Austin Jones
23 Jun, 2015 09:31 PMKilling feels so good I love the way They all die I slash my next victim I hear his pathetic scream It does not matter No one cares about his soul I wipe his blood on my body Such a lovely night for a massacreTags: Murder, Possession, Death, Graphic
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Votes: 3
Time does not heal
Kerry Valkyrie Baldock Kelly
28 May, 2015 10:31 PMPale skin, thinning body, balding head. Saying goodbye requires scrubs. Standing at the door to the ward I wait, Until the perpetually rocking door swings open. He steps through gracefully. His teenage skin strangely glowing, Complementing dark brown eyes and his wonderful head of black hair. We embrace. Tears well in my eyes. He smiles and whispers, 'Your sister has had a son.' I feel confused until he adds,Tags: Ghost, Death, Sadness
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Votes: 1
Lilly Van Allen
29 May, 2015 07:36 AMThe quiet room, The blood stained tomb, Another broken, beaten, blue, But no one can save you from this mess, Bright red blood seeps through my dress, You were to distress, To see me consumed by this emptiness, And when you run and scream, When I cut you in your spleen, For your blood is all I need, To feed the demon inside of me, And to finally set me free.Tags: Death, Insanity, Demon
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Votes: 6
Red blue gray
28 May, 2015 08:06 PMthis room has only three colors red blue gray this blade only cuts three things wrist eyes soul the angel is knocking herself to the window her wings left gray shades she is laughing i flow the first river my memory is still hangingTags: Death, Alone, Dead, Suicide, Suicidal, Pain, Psycho, Hell
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Votes: 3
My Death My Soul
jerry harrenstein
26 May, 2015 10:16 PMI saw your shadow dancing late last night in between lightning's light. We were the only ones out that night. Remember? Now your shadow follows mine on yet another black and gloomy night. Is this your way of telling me that it is my time to go,or are you out tonight wantingTags: Death, Choices, Gloom, Doom
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Votes: 3
Suicide Spring
Austin Jones
29 Apr, 2015 07:26 PMThe night is over The sun is rising over the horizon But I shall not live To see the day For I have reached My final destination A spring, A lake My favorite lake In my favorite woodsTags: Suicide, Nothing, Death
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Votes: 5
The Mirror
jerry harrenstein
14 Apr, 2015 10:14 PMI was awakened this morning by what I thought was the aroma coming from a Turkey being roasted, but it was only the fragrance emitted by my wife whom was lying next to me and she's definitely not a Turkey. I rolled over, gave her a kiss on the shoulder and it could not have felt colder. What's with that? Was this my wife's way of giving meTags: Death
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Votes: 1