Showing results for tag "depressed"
Ambrose K. Madoc
26 Apr, 2017 07:24 PMHe lurks in the shadows Hiding Waiting Hiding from me Waiting from me I sense him Anxiety signals him He is near And then he strikes It is when I am most joyous that he strikes Not a hard strikeTags: Depression, Depressed
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Votes: -1
Ambrose K. Madoc
26 Apr, 2017 06:50 PMThe clouds are heavy They weigh They darken They can't be seen, but they are felt Oh, how they are felt A weight that won't lift A darkness that won't brighten Artificial light That is THE solution That is THEIR solutionTags: Depression, Depressed
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Votes: 1
The Madhouse
17 Sep, 2015 06:31 PMThere is blood on the walls, and bodies on the ceiling Everything about this place is extremely unappealing In this madhouse every one is depressed This place is disgusting, and misery is our pest We have no exterminator to keep this pest out We will spend our life in this place no doubt I do not lie when I say that I have done bad things And just thinking about them make my eyes sting In life you can't take back what you've done You just need to face your mistakes because they can't be outrun Running won't get you anywhere, trust me iv'e triedTags: Depressed, Regret, Blood, Misery, Pest, Madhouse, Graphic
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Votes: 1
30 Mar, 2015 02:59 PMAnother night And im filled with fear darkness resides in my head demons live here Another 3am war with my demons theres a knocking at my door Death has come to take my soul time to write goodbyesTags: Demons, Death, Giveup, Defeated, Depressed, Goodbye
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Votes: 1
Not Worth It
Celesta Blackheart
15 Mar, 2013 05:10 AMWhy do we live? We live to die. In the end nothing is worth the trouble, So why do we do it? Because life is a beautiful lie That is revealed by the painful truth of death So why do we try? When the only guarantee. In life is death? Why do we try so hard?Tags: Life, Death, Dark Thought, Suicidal, Depressed
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Votes: 3
These are the memories that break you!
Odhran Moore
02 Mar, 2013 08:54 PMmemories of the black and blue that still ring true shattered bones, blood running down his face, He look's to find a safe place to stitch his face. These are the memories that break you Blue lights and the sound of Syrians coming down the line they never leave this boy's mind instead they leave a scar of once upon a time These are the memories that break you There's a call coming through with grave newsTags: Darkness, Blood, Lost, Depressed
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Votes: 4
"Edge of Darkness"
larry jones
25 Nov, 2012 03:50 PM(On the edge of darkness & I don't give a f*ck) (On the edge of darkness my soul is stuck) (On the edge of darkness so f**king what) (On the edge of darkness I'm outta luck) No time for me to get my shit straight, in my hands I clutch a .38Tags: Darkness, Dark Art, Depressed, Lost, Suicide, Evil
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Votes: 1