Showing results for tag "graphic"
Dillon (Blood Tears)
24 Aug, 2017 07:39 AMSo red so warm This life force I adore We bleed we cry But God I want more From my first I knew this was for me Human beings were made for me The blood So sweet So pure The way it pools The way it runs Tastes so sweet, this angels nectarTags: Blood, Psychopath, Graphic
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Votes: 12
Deadly Bean-site Coffee
Robin Carretti
04 Nov, 2016 01:36 PMHow she sucked every last bean the blackest meanest Goth. She froze with terror the color spilled deep Darth. And next to her was a big burly Football player. Sipping her erotically boiling coffee. He's the slayer. Her body deadly slim he played her She kept to herself not wanting to speak to him. She could have blasted his balls within. These guys did horrible things to those girls.Tags: Darkness, Creepy, Sadistic, Spells, Graphic
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Votes: 1
My Mind Whispers
Franchesca Mia Reves Tortoza
08 Apr, 2017 05:36 AM"You'll ruin your life if you start," My mind whispers, As my hand picks up the cutter I always bring, I pray a silent, unheard prayer, As I shut out the buzzing of spring And slice. "This is stupid! You need to stop!" My mind whispers, As I drag the blade across my arm yet again, Watching red start to stain silver, As I try not to hiss in pain.Tags: Death, Depression, Suicide, Graphic
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Votes: 12
Make Me Bleed
Ashley Paradis
22 Mar, 2017 07:12 PMGrab your knife, Peel it off. Squirting blood By the pint and drink until you're full. Take my kidneys And render me useless. I want you to cut me up Cut it out Tell me that I'm garbage.Tags: Blood, Graphic, Abuse, Death
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Votes: 10
David M
16 Jan, 2017 12:59 AMI feel the sadness in you A broken soul longing for release The universe conspires Bringing us together at last In this time In this place Two strangers bound by fate When our eyes met on the train I felt the fire between us You did as well I'm sure As I followed you home I knew we were meant for thisTags: Horror, Stalker, Murder, Insanity, Graphic
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Votes: 8
A Life's Creation
kilee ketola
23 Oct, 2016 07:33 AMDark but whole, broken yet sane. Hoping one day love will erase all the pain. Simple and complex, also free with violence on my mind, All that triggers my evil within, making it harder to find. An unknown innocence replaced a twisted side so dark, yet a star is so bright in the sky, A yes even the darkness can't take away, and when it should have asked why. A scapegoat with scars from a razorblade that cut across her skin, I will always remain beautifully broken, outside and within.Tags: Twisted, Broken, Dark, Evil, Graphic
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Votes: 2
The Blade
Hayley Turner
09 Oct, 2016 12:16 AMThe blade through her neck Blood spills everywhere A grin spreads wide on the killer's face Oh the dark gooey blood Brings a thrill to his bones The head separated from her body Oh the blood and the grin and the blade Of that fateful day As he stood above her A grin still spread wide over his ghostly face Oh the blood and the grin and the blade Of that fateful day.Tags: Murder, Graphic
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Votes: 3
No. 13
Brandon Crooms
11 Apr, 2016 11:44 PM'WACK, WACK, WACK, WACK... I had started to lose count. "Goodbye, Mr. Blount." My hands tightly grip the ax, I took aim at his bloodied back. Fury covers my eyes with blood, "Can I do this?" I could, I could, I could. "One more swing," I say. "I hope to God you'll pray." I bring it down fast... This will be the last... The hit was clean. ...and that made 13.'Tags: Murder, Insanity, Graphic
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Votes: 7
Unworthy School
Brandon Crooms
11 Apr, 2016 04:03 AM-Sitting in the back of a deserted classroom, Bones scatter the floor, and the walls are pealing like... like burnt flesh ripping from the skull. -All of the lights are broken, the glass sparkles against the ground The air smells of freshly cut grass on a Saturday morning. -Walking in the hallway, Blood stains the white polished floors, rusted and broken lockers against the walls. -The light rods are swinging, creaking in the darkTags: Horror, Pshyco, Intense, Insane, Graphic
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Votes: 2
The late night message
Addison Stewart
27 Oct, 2015 05:38 AMThe hands on the clock continuously tick and suddenly its 2 in the morning You search the web for young girls to taunt the message you sent shes liking. She thinks you're 15 just like her and just wanna meet up she thinks she's delirious She gets ready throws on her little dress hoping that you're serious She leaves the house no one knows so now she's on her own She waits where your supposed to meet and gets a call saying its been postponed Heading home she's sad so she pops in her head phones they cancel out the noise of you following behind She gets to her house goes to her front porch takes the ear buds out only to hear your words grind She's startled so she freezes you push her down off her feet You climb on top and start to rape her she starts to scream so she gets beat You finish up grab her hair and pull her up then you walk her to her own back yard You put her on the ground go again for round three you get a rush from taking her v-cardTags: Dark Thought, Rape, Disturbing, Graphic, Violence
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Votes: 1