Showing results for tag "graphic"
Hatred's breed
Isaiah Smith
19 Oct, 2015 07:49 AMYou think justice always prevails and i laugh at your false hope Laughing at me, taunting me slowly eradicates the innocent one within The one your killing dissolves into despair, the beast’s face appears You have destroyed your chance of all salvation as vengeance consumes me I am an instrument of destruction, fathered by hate, bred of pure evil The creature reincarnated from all of the pain within past generations I am the monster created by your own ignorance or so it seems I will pervert purity and watch your psyche break from the inside As your guilty conscience questions itself and betrays your morals Am i a figment of your imagination or are you the villain of my demise?Tags: Hatred, Killing, Dark Thought, Torture, Pain, Graphic
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Votes: 0
The Madhouse
17 Sep, 2015 06:31 PMThere is blood on the walls, and bodies on the ceiling Everything about this place is extremely unappealing In this madhouse every one is depressed This place is disgusting, and misery is our pest We have no exterminator to keep this pest out We will spend our life in this place no doubt I do not lie when I say that I have done bad things And just thinking about them make my eyes sting In life you can't take back what you've done You just need to face your mistakes because they can't be outrun Running won't get you anywhere, trust me iv'e triedTags: Depressed, Regret, Blood, Misery, Pest, Madhouse, Graphic
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Votes: 1
A Devils's Hunger
02 Sep, 2015 12:58 PMA night when the moon was at it's highest peak The dead flesh of man made the forest reek, The thing that killed them already fled leaving the forest painted red; The deed was done by a man with a devil's hunger who burned many villages and hurt and plundered He had no remorse not even a shred But every humans heart was filled with dread Even if someone begged on their knees he'd just kill them and laugh with ease, he wasn't a man, he was the son of monstrosityTags: Red, Devil, Killed, Begged, Graphic
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Votes: 5
I'm Back
Dillon (Blood Tears)
14 Apr, 2015 04:08 AMI sat alone dreaming, Playing with the blade when they started talking again Whispers of games to be played, Screams of others joy at the thought Voices urging me on, To continue where I left off After days of silence I thought they died, So I sat and waited for the ghosts to wake Oh, they had just slept! They haven't been fed, loved or played with I haven't shown them the beauty they deserve.Tags: Crazy, Torture, Fun, Graphic
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Votes: 1
Stone Wall
Kerry Valkyrie Baldock Kelly
17 Jun, 2015 02:04 PMStuck, encassed in the monastery, A ghost of years gone by, Contemplative life of silence, by choice, Prayer inside stone walls. Arches leading to flourishing vegetable gardens, Toiling daily. Early morning chanting, Simple meals, Itchy sack cloth. Riders came for King and country, came stole and destroyed,Tags: Ghost, Death, Murder, Monastery, Graphic
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Votes: 1
Toby Olsen
05 Jun, 2015 12:50 AMI love to play with knives, It's a fun thing to do, Especially when I find, That I have stabbed you.. The red starts to pour, And you start to scream, In the deep of the night, You hope it's a dream.. No Dear Child, It's not a dream,Tags: Murder, Knives, Interesting, Graphic
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Votes: 18
monster in a perfect body
01 Jun, 2015 02:27 PMBeating hearts stop dead at night shadow horrors fill them to the brim with fright deadly venomous Poisonous beating faster and harder now your heart i will surely take trusting me was a big mistake now ive got you on your knees Crying beggingTags: Murder, Insanity, Death, Blood, Graphic
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Votes: 5
Psychopathic massacre
Austin Jones
23 Jun, 2015 09:31 PMKilling feels so good I love the way They all die I slash my next victim I hear his pathetic scream It does not matter No one cares about his soul I wipe his blood on my body Such a lovely night for a massacreTags: Murder, Possession, Death, Graphic
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Votes: 3
Bad Friends
Dillon (Blood Tears)
14 Apr, 2015 04:39 AMWe all sat around my camp fire Laughing and talking and drinking galore! The games we played and the jokes we told Oh, Mike I'm not letting you go! Haahaha! I wasn't invited to the lake party But soon I proved they were all so wrong! I told them truth and showed them the games Soon they saw all the bodies strung, By hands and feet and necks and hair They blow in the breeze while I tickles their feet!Tags: SerialKiller, Graphic
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Votes: 3
Blood Is Dripping
08 Apr, 2015 01:21 PMBlood is dripping from my thigh I'm thinking of ways to say good bye Blood is dripping from my waist All my pain can't be erased Blood is dripping from my hand You are not my biggest fan Blood is dripping from my wrist I am wishing that I didn't existTags: Selfharm, Suicide, Blood, Graphic
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Votes: 5