Showing results for tag "heartbroken"
I Loved At One Time.
25 Apr, 2014 11:30 PMI wouldn't have fallen in love if I knew the price I would have pay. If I had known how much it'd hurt. I had trusted you, and you had thrown me to the ground; I wasn't worthy of you. I tried to be the best I could be for you, but it was never enough. So yes, I did at one time love. But never again; will I allow my heart or mind to experience the trauma you put me through.Tags: Dark Mind, Dark World, Dark, Lost, Lonely, Love, Heartbroken, Heart Broken, Hurt
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Votes: 3
Dark in your heart
06 Jun, 2013 07:01 PMBury me deep inside your heart And hide me in the dark Don't let the light in never let me go, Hold me tight Don't ever let me go away Please be with me and stay I want to be buried in your heart Yet it's so dark Even though you love to hateTags: Darkness, Sad, Hate, Heartbroken, Despair
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Votes: 3
my hurt
Mark Lestat
20 Oct, 2012 03:48 PMI don't care any more I don't care if you wanna go I don't care if I will be lone I don't care if you dead or still A life ... because I swear I don't care just go and leave this all behind .. because I'm Over it I'm over it to be Forsaken maybe I will cry A river but I will build a bridge and get over itTags: My Hurt, Vampire, Dark, Heartbroken
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Votes: 3
A Girls Worst Nightmare
29 Dec, 2013 06:35 PMHer innocence, Stolen. Her hope, Broken. Beaten and bruised. Battered and broken. it all hurts the same, And its always unspoken. Tied to a cross, We cried for shattered souls.Tags: Nightmare, Sadness, Girl, Alone, Hurt, Hate, Hopeless, Hell, Heartbroken, Forgotten, Broken, Cross, Sin, Sinners
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Votes: 2