Showing results for tag "lost"
"Edge of Darkness"
larry jones
25 Nov, 2012 03:50 PM(On the edge of darkness & I don't give a f*ck) (On the edge of darkness my soul is stuck) (On the edge of darkness so f**king what) (On the edge of darkness I'm outta luck) No time for me to get my shit straight, in my hands I clutch a .38Tags: Darkness, Dark Art, Depressed, Lost, Suicide, Evil
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Votes: 1
25 Nov, 2012 06:47 AMSome days I think I can hear rain pour down above me, Some days I think I can see the wind blow leaves through me, Some days I think I can feel the sun shine upon me, Some days I think I can smell the pollen floating all around me, Some days I think I can taste the blood circulating inside me, I think I hear? I think I see? I think I feel? I think I smell? I think I taste?Tags: Pain, Depression, Lost, Darkness, Alone
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Votes: -1
Last goodbye.
Raven Wolff
23 Oct, 2012 10:28 PMI'm ready its time I take my last breath. end my suffering life. I know I promised. but I cant hold on anymore. I cant take this. This is hell This is horrible. End it now! before. Before I do. Right now I just wanna, put this blade to my vain.Tags: Goodbye, Forever Gone, Lost, Dark, Suicide, Suicide Note, Pain, Blood
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Votes: 21
Alone, scared.
Raven Wolff
23 Oct, 2012 10:21 PMLet me Cut, deep into my wrist. For if I die, I wont be missed. Why would I be missed? I mean, look at me, I'm just a stupid fucking nobody. if I don't wanna be here, why should I stay?Tags: Alone, Lost, Forgettable, Death, Kill Me, Pain, Suffering
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Votes: 14
Raven Wolff
23 Oct, 2012 10:18 PMI dream of death. A time when I'm free. No more pain, Suffering, Tears. What a good thing that will be. Not having to worry. Being get free from all this, This Hate! This stupid, painful life.Tags: Death, Liveless, Hopeless, Hell, Alone, Lost, Free
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Votes: 5
Her Ghost In The Fog
Mark Lestat
26 Oct, 2012 12:35 AMHer Ghost In The Fog Her Face On The Moon Her Words In My Mind I See Her Face When I Close My Eyes. She Is My Nightmare when I Sleep She Visit Me In The Dark , Thats Why I hate Being In The Light Brings Me To Life When She Come To me , And Its Like a Knife Crossing My Heart When She disappears. Her Eyes Make Me Gave Up ,Tags: Dark, Dead, Fake, Suffering, Lost
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Votes: 0
Death is coming?
Raven Wolff
05 Oct, 2012 04:54 AMIs it wrong I think of suicide, death, dying, being murdered? I'm so ready to die. I jest don't know anymore, I don't wanna be here, I'm not wanted. I don't wanna live, breath. I have no more energy to live,Tags: Death, Lost, Suffering, Suicide
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Votes: 5
Raven Wolff
09 Sep, 2012 08:01 PMWhere did you go? The one I used to know. The one who laughed with me, The one who talked to me, The one who played with me. Now, now you someone new someone, different. Someone I dont know.Tags: Love, Lost, Alone, Missing Someone
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Votes: 1
fade away.
Raven Wolff
09 Sep, 2012 08:13 PMOne day it will all be over. All the pain, Gone. All the hate? Done. We'll all be set Free. No more worrying, No more woundering, No more thinking, "If i wear this will they bully me?" Its a sick world we live in,Tags: Fadeing, Dieing, Pain, Lost, Hope, Hopeless
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Votes: 4
Raven Wolff
09 Sep, 2012 08:09 PMAs I lie on the floor Sadly breathing I think of you. Of all the time we had together, All the laughs we shared, the smiles. I think of how happy you where, how happy i was. As i lie here, I wonder, I wonder what happened to the Braydon I loved. I wonder if you changed cause of,Tags: Lost, Missing You, Alone, Scared
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Votes: 0