Showing results for tag "revenge"

Cancer in the Heart


13 Oct, 2016 07:48 AM
Rotten like the sheep flesh being stewed,
Disgusting as maggots eating thy flesh,
Ugly like the cancer in my heart, 

Why such creature exists in this Earth?

The reminder of the sin you committed, 
The hate you have shown upon me, 
I am the "thing" you hold depraved and 

Grown and nurtured into a pot of wrath,
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Tags: Evil, Revenge, Dark Soul, Dark Love, Broken, Betrayal, Hate, Hurt, Horror, Hopeless
Votes: 3


Pride Ed

29 Oct, 2014 03:40 PM
"Old houses mended,
Cost little less than 
new before they're ended."
— Colley Cibber. 

When all is said and done, 
you’ll stand there like
ancient wood-rot,
and I’ll let you fall in ruin.

“You are so easy to break.
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Tags: Ruin, Revenge, Death, Decay, Anger, Forgotten, Abandoned, Personification
Votes: 2


Dark Child

09 Jan, 2015 10:52 PM
She screams for help
But no one cares
to feel her pain
she's "just a girl"
"Just a girl"
they all say
a stupid girl who doesn't know how to behave
but no one knows
the real story
they think it's a joke
they think it's funny
when they find out the truth
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Tags: Sin, Darkness, Darkchild01, Hurt, Pain, Revenge
Votes: 6

The Duchess of Hell

Pride Ed

31 Oct, 2014 01:35 PM
She’s mentioned in plays and operas;
Disgraced human dramas and arias!
Decaying disciples chanting last rites
Before she smites thee with all of her might!
Sung text by dead scholars, so vague is her name;
Dark choir still chants “Patron Saint of Pain!
Give us your hate, thy mote it be!
Praise dear Sister of Misery!”   

She was defiled in nameless hours of moonlight,
And wept at cold altar on a cold on All Hallows’ Eve Night.
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Tags: Darkness, Hell, Death, Revenge
Votes: 1



06 Feb, 2016 07:22 PM
My fingertips glaze across rain-soaked granite,
And a chill sinks into my bones,
To match the petrified ruin where my heart once beat.
For this is the only caress I can give you now,
A distant embrace
That will always yearn for true release.

I place a single, rain kissed rose against the stone,
Fragile red on cold hard grey.
Unbidden memories reduced to brevity
Gouge my every breath with memory’s shards,
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Tags: Death, Loss, Revenge, Grave
Votes: 3


Abhishek Choubey

28 Jan, 2017 02:27 PM
I am not asking for a crown
I’ve worn one made of thorns before
That was when I was brought down
When people lost faith and built a barrier

Friends were strangers, hopes dead
Soon I became depraved and unwanted
Dark but whole, broken yet sane
And when all the love was lost

The need to rise again triggered the man within
The wait was over
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Tags: Revenge, Dark
Votes: 0