Showing results for tag "tears"
Zane-Geoff Hugo
06 May, 2014 11:10 AMI am a lost soul Nowhere to go Darkness all around me like the art on my wrists my mind is screaming on the outside I’m smiling One more flick of the of the brush and the work should be complete Red stains the canvas Tears brush my eyelashes My art is done I drop the brushTags: Blood, Tears, Pain, Cutting, Depress, Death, Suicide, Alone, Afrai
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Votes: 12
Sammie Brown
24 Feb, 2014 09:08 AMI won’t eat I will starve I won’t talk but listen I will cut but I won’t let the pain show I will wear black to hind it I won’t make fuss of my crying I will hind my tears I won’t let them know of my pain I will let then hurt me but I won’t let them in I will stand aloneTags: Pain, Crying, Cutting, Tears, Hurt, Depression, Suicide, Suffering, Alone, Selfharm
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Votes: 5
Sammie Brown
18 Feb, 2014 11:14 AMIt burns me to see you Like this I cant help to feel as if its my fault I feel so helpless You were happy till I came The tears that you think are hidden Aren't I can see throw your smileTags: Suffering, Helpless, Sadness, Pain, Tears
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Votes: 1
My Demon
06 Sep, 2013 01:31 AMLate at night I can feel the emptiness Close my eyes for a second, and there it is Slowly killing me on the inside It's everywhere; I can't hide I'm running from something invisible I tried to kill it but its invincible When its shadow claws reach out for me I cannot breath easily My silent screams Are worse than bad dreamsTags: Pain, Demon, Hurt, Alone, Lost, Darkness, Suffering, Tears
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Votes: 74
His Final Moments
Zach Nielson
02 May, 2013 04:54 AMIn the dark room, your arms and legs are warm and wet The scent of iron engulfs your nose A dim light bounces beams of grey over your figure As you look down, you notice a black crimson This image startles you, while a rush of pain hits your wrists As you cry out for help, you realize No one will help you Not a soul can. The blade has cut vertically, signing your death She walks over to youTags: Suicide, Blood, Imagry, Darkness, Tears, Death
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Votes: 3
The one that...
Raven Wolff
23 Oct, 2012 10:33 PMTake my hand, Drips of tears. Lead me out of here. Fear, everywhere. Tears continue to pour. I start to fade away. What was once Bright, quickly turns Black. My heart? Beaten.Tags: Bye, Dead, Death, Suicide, Tears, Pain
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Votes: 88
Thinking of you
24 Sep, 2012 02:25 AMThinking of you makes things unsettle like a train without tracks or Hell without the devil It brings out destruction not only on me, but on --eternity This is what its like, with you not here nothings the same Things are so queerTags: Pain, Longing, Hatred, Tears
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Votes: 1