Everyone likes to be the villain once in a while.

Tags: Dark

never let anyone call you crazy, only your own voices get to decide that.

Tags: Crazy, Voices

Power is everything without power you can't protect anyone, not even yourself. Without god like strength you will perish.

- Power
Submitted By: Dr. Stein Tags: Power

we are you. we are the madness that lurks within you all.
begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal minds.
we are what you hide from in your bed every night.
we are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the
nocturnal haven where we cannot tread.

- rox
Tags: Darkness

Come join the Dark Paradise,
the good always triumphs anyway.

Tags: Dark, Truth

“I feel like a real dead one: having neither blood to bleed nor any flesh or bone to feel the scars; yet I want to hold on to my spirit.”

Tags: Blood, Dead, Bleed

Death is the only dream unthreatened by the morning light 

- Unknown
Submitted By: Bony Yousuf Tags: Death, Light

once upon a time an angel and a devil fell in love...it was a terrible decision


I don't run from monsters, often I hate the rest of it's victims just as much as it does. I have a chat with it and then offer to help with it's hunt.....when we're done we have tea and crumpets


sometimes you look at people and see them as the best of friends, other times you look at people and want to give them a makeover with a chainsaw...
