I’m converted a ball of nothing life is the thing that kills u death is ur reward
Darkness is like a mother figure. She shelters me from prying eyes. She allows me to heal my wounds and would never tell a soul about the times I scrapped my knees only to get me back on my seat peddling again.
The human population is a disease, the cure is serial killers.
Evil and Death are the hounds with which I hunt the blood of truth...
I taken quite a few blows in my life. The worst was when I realised I was a prey that became a predator and my nightmares were just instruction manuals.
"Born in Lust, Turn to Dust,
Born in Sin, Come on In."
(Storm on the Century)
Let me assure you of one thing...
Your anguished cries will be nothing but a testament to my unrivaled power.