I’m converted a ball of nothing life is the thing that kills u death is ur reward

- anynomys(me)
Submitted By: merr Tags: Death, Despair

Death whispers, Darkness heeds, immortal savagery...

Tags: Death, Darkness

Darkness is like a mother figure. She shelters me from prying eyes. She allows me to heal my wounds and would never tell a soul about the times I scrapped my knees only to get me back on my seat peddling again.

Tags: Dark, Darkness

If you drag your feet, you're in defeat

- Zane Murray
Submitted By: Zane A. Murray Tags: Defeat

The human population is a disease, the cure is serial killers.


Evil and Death are the hounds with which I hunt the blood of truth...

- Batz
Submitted By: Batz Tags: Evil

God made man in his image. Flawed and imperfect. Then, man made God in his image.


I taken quite a few blows in my life. The worst was when I realised I was a prey that became a predator and my nightmares were just instruction manuals.

Tags: Dark, Darkness, Evil

"Born in Lust, Turn to Dust,
Born in Sin, Come on In."
(Storm on the Century)

- Andre Linoge
Submitted By: Kira Tags: Devil

Let me assure you of one thing...
Your anguished cries will be nothing but a testament to my unrivaled power.

Tags: Evil