The grave is but a covered bridge, leading from light to light, through a brief darkness.

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Submitted By: Hell Tags: Death, Grave, Dark World, Darkness

The pain, darkness, and death surround me as I fall, fall through my dark hole.

Tags: Pain, Death, Dark, Darkness

If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.

- C. S. Lewis
Submitted By: Devils Dad Tags: Dark

Been away so long I almost forgot I existed

Tags: Dark Thought

"Born in Lust, Turn to Dust,
Born in Sin, Come on In."
(Storm on the Century)

- Andre Linoge
Submitted By: Kira Tags: Devil

You call me a demon, yet I have the power of a god.

Tags: Dark, Evil, Monster, People

Your job as a human is to eat, breed and sleep, other than that its pretty much optional when u have an open mind and look at things in general.

Tags: Hate

Sobriety while facing my own darkness only makes me a proxy of hate; automatic with revenge and void of any other emotion. Drunkenness lets me freely laugh with it as we joke about the insanity I lazily recount in my head. This is the only time I can truly call a monster my friend.


Every step you take towards the light, casts a bigger shadow behind you, but be weary, when you get to close to the light, it shall burn you.


never fear the storm, never does as much bad happen in the storm as it does when the inevitable silence hits. When it goes quiet and still, then it's time to worry. only when it's quiet does the air really open up to fear.

Tags: Fear