I know life is unfair, and we are only given one. Like you don't understand how knowing that fact makes me feel like I'm in a cage. The hard steel bars that keep me in are all the negativity I'm given, each day another bar is added to keep me trapped, each day the key to that lock that frees me melts even more.
worse of all, the name on the cage..it reads Misery

- Emm

Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues.

- Thomas Hobbes
Submitted By: Violet Tags: War, Fraud, Force, Virtues, Dark Thought

You know you're gothic when you trip over your own ego...

- Jadis
Submitted By: Farhad Ahmed Tags: Goths, Gothic Mind, Ego

“Horror was rooted in sympathy . . . in understanding what it would be like to suffer the worst. ”

- Joe Hill
Submitted By: Hell Tags: Horror, Suffer, Dark Thought

A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he'll never crow. I have seen the light and I'm crowing.

- Muhammad Ali
Submitted By: Devils Dad Tags: Dark, Light

Don't be afraid of dark just embrace it.. cos in light when u feel safe it can consume u too.

Tags: Dark

"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality."

- Edgar Allan Poe
Submitted By: Moxlonibus Krypt Tags: Power, Horror



..if U looking for me.. Then look urself in the mirror of dark room...!! U will find the real me


all i come home to is darkness and lonelyness, what comes next i may not know, but if my saness is gone the i will write myself to death.
