Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

- Helen Keller
Submitted By: Hell Tags: Friend, Through The Darkness, Alone

Cowards die many times before their deaths
The valiant never taste of death but once.

- Wiliam Shakespeare
Submitted By: Devils Dad Tags: Death

There are more dead people than living. And their numbers are increasing. The living are getting rarer.

- Eugene Ionesco
Submitted By: Devils Dad Tags: Death

Its my job to cause you pain, to show you life aint so fun and rosy all the time. don't you get it? I'm not the enemy here..life is.

Tags: Life, Pain

If you do not want to be the victim then simply become the monster

- Corvus
Submitted By: Corvus Tags: Dark

I prefer the mysteries of death over the wonders of life


People think of me as an insane individual because I have a favorite fictional serial killer.
Of course I feel offended, but then I realize that it is amusing;They do nothing but worship an omniscient,omnipotent maniac.

Tags: God, Evil

good and evil are relative, the good guy thinks the oppression of evil is bad and must be stopped at all costs but the evil side often has a point when they cause 10 years of pain to prevent 100

Tags: Good, Evil

There is no truth in life, only in death
......shall secrets be revealed


Sometimes we put up walls... Not to block people out, to see who cares enough to tear them down.

- Don