12 Apr, 2017 02:52 PM
The dream was too vivid to even know it was a dream. The setting took place at a garden party where the food and people were satisfying. Two gentlemen, Jasper and Frank, nestled among a group of wealthy citizens. Till all of a sudden a rumour began to spread across the room. Jessabelle was invited to the party. Jessabelle was on her way. Due to the stories Jasper heard about her, he wasn’t quite fond of meeting her. A hush came among the people as he shifted his eyes to see a young tall gorgeous woman standing in the doorway. She was greeting the host and walked around the room. She looked normal to him, and it was hard to believe that she was different. Jasper and Frank became frightened as she walked towards them. As impulsive as Frank was, he panicked, then grabbed a glass of holy water and... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 529973
11 Oct, 2013 07:59 PM
Roses upon ones lips, hands on her hips. Saline closes her eyes and sees nothing but the death of her love ones. Blood in every hand, tears in every eye. There was nowhere to either run or hide the pain from coming on the outside of her breathless heart. She could scream but no one would be able to hear her cries.
As the dark angels fill the night with darkness and sadness, Saline lays in her bed praying for a god to save her for the nightmare that ends her dreams of life. “Why am I here? Where is my savior the one to take all my pain from my dying heart?” Saline prays to the stars above the sky. As tears fall from her eyes she lays down her head and closes her eyes. With no sound of cries Saline falls asleep.
*** ………..
Birds’ singing of a... [Read More]
ScreamVotes: 515550
11 Aug, 2013 01:50 PM
There once was a boy, his name is Damon. Damon didn't have friends nor was he close to his family. He was fine with that, he was more of the silent type anyway. Well one night, Damon was about 5 years old. He was happy because he had his own room not sharing with his sisters. He was sleeping when he heard a noise...coming from his window. He was scared but decided he is brave enough to go see what was out there. He looked at the window..and saw.......something. It has very pointy and sharp teeth the claws were like razors, could cut steel in half, it's skin was pure black with messy hair and it's eyes were completely blood red..and it was smiling at him,showing those terrifying teeth. He screamed and ran to mommy and daddy's room. He said "Mommy! Mommy! There's a monster in my room!" The mom... [Read More]
Monster Within,
Dark CreatureVotes: 520669
04 Apr, 2013 03:28 PM
Breathing heavily, my eyes begin to burn. I start to freeze from my toes to the top of my head. Inside feels cold and broken as if I was dead. I get the eager to have a taste of blood. The thought rolls in my mind for a few minutes. Hunger builds up inside, before I get the chance to move I fall to the ground. My eye site is gone.
I open my eyes and see nothing but darkness around me. I get up slowly, for my body is very weak. I start to smell something that makes me want to go after it. So I run towards the smell like I was hunting for food. I reach where the smell was coming from, my eyes become wide. My fane’s grow, and I bit down on the animal that I had been after. The taste of blood flows through... [Read More]
BloodVotes: 514109
05 Dec, 2012 04:12 AM
The satisfying "click" of my victims door alarms me. They would most likely go to sleep after a night like this. This was the first time my "employers" gave me a job I actually wanted to do. The sound of water running now, teeth brushing. This reclusive prick better have enjoyed there last night of laughing, drinking, eating, breathing. There final night, of living. They were in the bedroom now, I was in the closet which was getting uncomfortably warm..... Just as I predicted. My victim has gone into bed without showering. Now I will begin.
I unsheathed the 16 inch knife and grasped its oak handle, which felt good. It fit perfectly in my hands, the blade was carbon steel, non serrated edge. It cut very swiftly and had a considerable amount of heft to it, But not too heavy.
15 minutes later I decided after a night like... [Read More]
Killed In Sleep,
BloodBiscuitVotes: 522943
10 Jun, 2016 08:36 PM
We're exhausted and our souls have grown weary. Just like the clothes you wore wear out, your soul also wears out. Soon, the tiredness will overwhelm all and there will only be a darkness surrounding the hopes of the souls' wandering. "Does life matter? Does it matter? Does it?" we ask these questions many times. We struggle and frantically kick the air about us but we hit nothing. We're all alone. We suffer alone, and all we love, we love alone.
Some love wishes are granted, and some are rejected. Some death wishes are granted, and some are rejected. Some hope wishes are granted, but some are crushed. The world we live in is as such. Crying out, "Cruel!" doesn't help anyone. No one cares, no one sees. No one sees the hand drowning in the midst of the crowd and assuming it as a waving hand, non fathom. Non... [Read More]
BeautyVotes: 413732
03 Dec, 2014 08:17 PM
It was a cold and rather bleak afternoon. The sun wasn't present nor was its’ warmth and all that you could see in the sky was clouds. I remember the school bus stopping three houses down from mine and the bus doors opening with a slight creek like that of an old wooden door in a rather aged home. I had gotten up out of my seat and grabbed my back pack with both hands which caused me to wobble a bit as I walked through the aisle of the bus toward the exit. I noticed the faces of the fellow passengers and for a second admired the differences of each individual and the unique expressions each one possessed. I usually don’t talk like that to people though for people think I over analyze or take simple things to a much further level than things ever should be brought down... [Read More]
SadnessVotes: 417242
12 Jun, 2014 10:12 PM
"Nothing but weeds, of course!" I laughed. But then again, maybe I was tempting fate for not coming during the day. After all, coyotes are most certainty proven to be real. But so far it was just me up there. All alone! The only sounds I could hear were the crinkling of dried grass under my leather dress shoes and the now almost incessant sound of me tapping my flashlight in an effort to keep it on. "Should have gotten the name brand batteries," I muttered to myself as I kept walking. By the time I felt myself to be in the middle of the field, distant lights appeared and twinkled like stars on the blackened landscape. The lights looked like they could have been from either candles or lighters. Before the lights appeared, the only other light source was a small slit of the full moon just now coming... [Read More]
HorrorVotes: 420154
23 Feb, 2013 06:35 PM
She snapped awake out of a deep sleep, screaming aloud in terror. In her nightmare, a large white wolf had been chasing her around and around the house, gaining on her with every step until it finally pounced on her and ripped out her throat. She lay shaking for hours, unable to sleep after such a terrifying dream.
But morning finally arrived, and the day was completely normal. Celia forgot all about her dream, until the moment her parents reminded her that they would be going out that night to celebrate their anniversary. Celia turned milk-white. In her dream, the white wolf had come to kill her while her parents were out celebrating their anniversary! She started shaking and begging them not to go. Her parents were astonished at her behavior, and finally shamed her into staying home alone that night.
Fearfully, Celia locked herself into the house as soon... [Read More]
AttackVotes: 415321
19 May, 2012 10:38 AM
I know this true story from my friend in the neighbors, Anna who faced this horrific incident along with her parents. Anna was seven years old when her father Mr. Alan got a promotion and they had to re-locate to this small town was known for its beautiful scenery. The company gave Mr. Alan a new house by the lake in a quiet area off road. There was one strange thing; the house had a well in the backyard which they thought was justified as the house was a bit old but why would you need a well when you had the lake? It made no sense.
They were all excited about the new place and their new house and Mr. Alan about his new post. It had been a week after they had shifted and settled down when Anna heard some voices calling her name. The location of their... [Read More]
PhantomVotes: 419517