The truth
Jun Han
My name is Lucifer, and I am the ruler of hell, and the symbol of Sin. But it was not always so, there was a time when I served ... Him, when i was a respected angel. People have heard about the time when i was banished, but is that the truth?
I was praising Him when i saw it, his plans on creating creatures called humans, those who would love him, get loved by him, and would be required to be praised by him. He had made it so that they would only feel happiness through him, all other pleasures and beliefs would lead them to hell, even loving there loved ones without loving God would send them to hell. The people with sin would go to hell, when he made it so that humans, after having eaten the Fruit in the Garden, would never be able to live a sinless life. There only choice, even with the choices given, was Him, for the other choice was eternal pain, within the realms of hell. Disturbed, I thought much about the subject and discussed it with my own subjects, my underlings. After a long discussion, and a long time, we decided to do something. We went forward to God, and asked much on the subject of matter. However, all he said was for us to serve him, and that all must happen for his glory, for he must be glorified. Enraged, I stormed out, and into my dwelling. From that point on, with the help of by comrades and minions, I devised a plan, a plan to take God's power, and to become a truly just ruler. As the most powerful angel, and with the help of other angels, I was confident in my abilities, and sure that I would win the battle. But as I saw my minions, and my comrades losing, I knew, that even this was a part of his plan, to make me the shepherd of Hell, the symbol of sin, the example of eternal punishment.
That is my story, and today I continuously rebel against Him. I fight every day to bring down the humans from God, for i cannot bare to see my fellow creations be deceived by that vile being that calls himself just and loving, when he is just a self centered deity. It hurts to have the humans fall into hell with me, but currently, for my comrades who have fallen, and for the humans who are being deceived, this is the only way for my revenge
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Post a Comment04 Jan, 2013 05:40 AM
This is one of the best short story i've read. Very intriguing. The way you plotted the different perspective of the most known story is truly amazing.
Please write some more stories.
04 Jan, 2013 02:30 PM
one on pending, thx for reading man
08 Jan, 2013 06:01 AM
It was my pleasure..
09 Jan, 2013 02:44 AM
Hey I was thinking, was there any chance that you might have been inspired by Draconian's album "Arcane Rain Fall".
If you have not listen to this album. please do. It almost has the same story. I am sure you will love it.
21 Dec, 2013 11:39 AM
It makes you think pretty hard about what's actually going on up there...please write more?
26 Dec, 2013 03:31 PM
theres one more that i wrote that's a more detailed version of this, so try that one, not sure if i have it in me to write more though
13 Apr, 2014 06:27 PM
You should try. You're an amazing writer.