07 Apr, 2016 03:29 AM
At first, it’s like any other day. I awakened, showered, brewed my morning cup of joe, and that is when I first saw…outside, there was nothing…no moonlight, stars, or anything! It was like an endless black void of space. My mind was racing; Where was I…What is going on…Why is this happening? I caught myself and thought that maybe it is just extremely dark outside because the lights are not working.
Standing there in front of the window, I carefully sipped my coffee…cautious not to burn my tongue. I paused, patiently, to try to see if the lights will come back on, or that I will see some shred of moonlight in the nighttime sky. “Maybe I should just go and lay back down.”, I thought to myself. Turning around to leave, I noticed that all of my furniture has disappeared. “Where did all of my stuff go.”, I said... [Read More]
FearVotes: 316567
02 Apr, 2013 12:46 AM
Robes of the silkiest satin. The softest shade of blue you could ever imagine gently protects his ginger hands. Skin like mocha perfection, yet smooth and yielding. The strongest green eyes; they made me feel like I was looking into a spyglass at the greenest meadows of Spring. Long smoky lashes billow around them, framing them amazingly. His perfectly chiseled cheekbones make him a very gorgeous character indeed. Short spiked black hair that seemed to scream sophistication completed the look. White as snow, he glowed with such radiance that you could almost swear he was an angel just by looking at him. Then suddenly, he pulls his robes off to show his entire outfit. On his hip he has a set of (obviously freshly sharpened) daggers in an oblong sheath strapped in place. He wears white dress slacks and a long sleeve button down dress shirt un-tucked with a loose... [Read More]
Dark Creature,
ScaryVotes: 319898