Showing results for tag "murder"

The Man from My Dream

Kevin Blaine

24 Feb, 2013 06:35 AM

I awoke. I had one of the strangest dreams I can ever recall; it was not horror movie scary nor did it really make any sense. But it honestly frightened me due to me having no idea what was going on. It was just me sitting alone in a stray jacket in a padded white room; from what I can infer I was in a mental Institution. I had no idea why I was there; but all I was doing was trying to calm myself down and think of a reason why I was in there. But before I could completely calm myself down a 6 foot 4 man walked in to the room. He was wearing a fancy black suit; he had big bushy eyebrows with a big bald spot on the top of his head. He walked straight to me, kneeled down removing his sunglasses looking into my... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Nightmare, Murder, Insanity, Fear, Blood
Votes: 33

The Evil One

Marco B. S.

27 Dec, 2012 10:26 AM

As we sit here, I start to see things another way than I did before. I hope that telling you this will at least bring me some kind of peace inside. What I feel right now is only remorse and anger and it is disturbing to me. Do you understand what I mean? It really hurts inside of me, but I know that I need to get it out at some point - To start feeling whole again. I don’t want to be a prisoner in my own life again. When I am thinking back at my life, there are a few things that scare me a lot. One of them was how I felt seeing the horror my brother was going through at a young age. He is not much younger than me and we are a lot alike in nature. All the harmony changed a lot in the... [Read More]

Tags: Evil, Dark, Family, Death, Murder, Suicide, Scary
Votes: 20



27 Aug, 2015 06:27 AM

I sat on to my bed, starring up at the cracked, old, concrete ceiling and drifted in thought. I was once again trying to find a reason behind what I do, but came to the same conclusion every time. There was no reason, I just loved it. Every little second was a free-fall, so much adrenaline but no outlet, other than screaming or laughing. The best part was the last few seconds, as strange as that sounds the exact moment when you see the light and life leave there dull eyes, there last pitiful breath. I’m addicted to killing, or rather the screams and blood that comes along with it. I smiled, taking a break from my thoughts, and reached for the plastic cup sitting on the floor with shaking hands. Downing the contents of the cup, I cursed, and decided to get some more tonight. As I walked down... [Read More]

Tags: Serial Killer, Graphic, Murder, Insane, I'm Baaack
Votes: 16



24 Nov, 2012 08:49 PM

I looked around at everyone seeing their hands in the air voting me to go up, I hated them all. Not just now but all the time, I may act like I don’t but I do. I glare at all of them as they all smile at me, their eyes laughing at me. I smile back as a thought forms in my mind, mass murder. I walk into school the next day late to lunch, just perfect. The whole school is their all sitting waiting for me to go in. As I walk in they all turn to see who walked in, I smile and wave with one hand, going for my gun with the other. I watch with my sadistic grin as their eyes grow wide as they realize what’s happening. My first shot is at a girl in the ninth grade I think, not that it matters much,... [Read More]

Tags: Murder, Sad, Death, Dark Mind, Broken, Lost, Dark World, Graphic
Votes: 14

Torture (Torturer)


12 Oct, 2012 04:08 AM

I want to knock someone out, cold and unconscious. Just with a hard, blunt object to the back of their skull, cracking the back just enough that some blood drips out in a steady stream spiking my senses. Then as their body limply falls to the ground making a loud thud, I look around to check no one was around then drag their unsuspecting body to my chosen place of torture. Just a small shack I found off in the woods, with no one around for miles, I can do as I please. Laying them down on a metal table I strap down their arms and legs tightly enough that the blood gets cut off. Above the victim on the ceiling is a large mirror I had hung a few hours before. This mirror is so the victim can watch their torture being played through and watch as I slowly... [Read More]

Tags: Murder, Torture, Demonic, Insane, Happy, Dark, Psycopath, Graphic
Votes: 12

Bloody Mary returns


20 Dec, 2012 10:04 PM

My stepmother was vile. I guess most kids think that when their father remarries. But in this case, it was true. She only married Father because he was rich, and she hated children. There were three of us – me (Marie), my middle brother Richard and my youngest brother Charles. We were the price my stepmother Gerta paid for being rich. And we were all that stood between her and inheriting Father's money when he died. So she took steps against us. She sent my youngest brother Charles away to boarding school overseas. It had a good, scholarly reputation, but it also had the reputation for being a hard school that was full of bullies and strict discipline. Not a place where a delicate child like Charles, who had been sickly as a baby, would thrive. He was miserable there. Somehow, Gerta contrived to keep him there for all but... [Read More]

Tags: Return, Witch, Dark Art, Death, Evil, Murder, Dark
Votes: 11



28 Dec, 2013 01:18 PM

You just moved into your new apartment, in a very big city. After a year of this life, you have almost given up hope of making any friends; be it at work or any other means. Every time you get close to someone and show the real you they recoil in fear or think you weird. You feel very lonely. After looking for a peaceful place to spend your time, you find a quiet diner on the outskirts of town. It may be small and dingy but it is homey. The waitress is very attractive. Also, she seems to be the only employee there, ever. You never see anyone else eat there either, ever. The place is perfect for you. Secluded and someone willing to acknowledge you. The more you visit the more you acquaint yourself with the Waitress. You become close, you've made your only friend. Making love to... [Read More]

Tags: Murder, Insanity, Suspense
Votes: 10


Brittany Revis

18 Aug, 2013 08:53 AM

My mom says you shouldn't hate anyone. You should always love regardless of how that person 'is'. But I couldn't help it. Holding that gun to his face and him mirroring my actions felt so good! I smiled when the look of desperation flashed in his eyes. 'Almost like a deer in the headlights.' I laughed. "Why? I love you." He says. "I love you too. But at the same time I hate you more then anything." My emotionless eyes boor into his. I've always hated him. Somewhere deep down I knew this would happen. I knew we would be the end of each other. Such a perfect.. Finish. He doesn't want to kill me. Oh, but I want to kill him. And if he killed me it would just make this even better. I smiled at him. I know he knows. He looks beautiful.. His blond hair stick on... [Read More]

Tags: Death, Suicide, Love, Leave, Murder, Gun, Hate, Graphic
Votes: 9

My First Time


12 Oct, 2012 02:10 AM

I want to hurt somebody. Make someone feel how I do. The river is beautiful, my gun is loaded, my tools are cleaned, and my toy is all tied up and ready. She looks at me in fear, she can't very well scream with the gag in her mouth. So I took it out, I wanted to hear how she asked "what did I ever do to you?" and "why me?" I wanted to hear her scream. She looked at me terrified as I took out my first tool, just an ordinary pair of scissors. She asked what I was going to do to her. I ignored her talking as it was tedious. I took the scissors and slowly moved them towards her head, she screamed when I grabbed a fist full of her hair she bragged so much about and cut it all off. I looked at her dissatisfied,... [Read More]

Tags: Murder, Death, Pain, Sad, Creepy, Graphic
Votes: 9

dont turn on the lights


22 Dec, 2012 02:51 PM

Two dorm-mates in college were in the same science class. The teacher had just reminded them about the midterm the next day when one dorm-mate - let's call her Juli - got asked to this big bash by the hottest guy in school. The other dorm-mate, Meg, had pretty much no interest in going and, being a diligent student, she took notes on what the midterm was about. After the entire period of flirting with her date, Juli was totally unprepared for her test, while Meg was completely prepared for a major study date with her books. At the end of the day, Juli spent hours getting ready for the party while Meg started studying. Juli tried to get Meg to go, but she was insistent that she would study and pass the test. The girls were rather close and Juli didn't like leaving Meg alone to be bored while... [Read More]

Tags: Murder, Regret, Dark
Votes: 7