Showing results for tag "murder"

Isobell Jankans


09 Jun, 2016 11:59 AM

Isobell Jankans is a beautiful young woman. Dyed black hair, silver eyes, pale skin, black finger nails, full lips. She feels no pain. Ever. Isobell was sitting at her table with her go things when the most "popular" prissy princess stopped behind her. "You always know when she's on her period, Belle," she says. "How Clem?" She's crabber than usual, Belle." They laughed and started to walk away slowly. "Who are you talking about, Clem?" "Why, Isobell Jankans of course!" Now you see, Isobell got to mad, she made a master plan in her head, that she was going to carry out on her own, but 2 of her little gothlings,Raven and Zander, wanted to help. So she told them the plan. 5 hours and 33 seconds later, they had Clem and Belle tied down in metal chairs in Isobell's soundproof basement. "You hag!" Clem yelled. "Let us go! HELP!... [Read More]

Tags: Murder, Torture, Hate, Graphic
Votes: 6

I ran out of fucking corn flakes.

Brandon Crooms

26 Jan, 2015 10:59 AM

“Today was exceedingly slow. First off, waking up at 6:30, ‘who even fucking scheduled that!?’ anyways, waking up seemed to take forever. I must have slept wonderfully last night because drool was EVERYWHERE! UGH! It was like a hound dog that kept his mouth wide open all night long. Breakfast was good, though I ran out of fucking corn flakes. The cat would not shut up either. However, the rest of the time at home went pretty smooth; got dressed, left for work…blah, blah. The ride to work was GOD awful! So much traffic and ASSHOLE drivers!! This butt-head decided that he wanted to turn in front of me. Casually, I sped up in hopes of ramming the bastard. My conscience was telling me that I should go follow this guy for a little "chit chat". Well I did. We must have driven for an hour or so. I had... [Read More]

Tags: Psycopath, Psycho, Killing, Knife, Killer, Murder, Death, Insanity, Insane, Crazy, Blood, Graphic
Votes: 6



12 Apr, 2017 02:52 PM

The dream was too vivid to even know it was a dream. The setting took place at a garden party where the food and people were satisfying. Two gentlemen, Jasper and Frank, nestled among a group of wealthy citizens. Till all of a sudden a rumour began to spread across the room. Jessabelle was invited to the party. Jessabelle was on her way. Due to the stories Jasper heard about her, he wasn’t quite fond of meeting her. A hush came among the people as he shifted his eyes to see a young tall gorgeous woman standing in the doorway. She was greeting the host and walked around the room. She looked normal to him, and it was hard to believe that she was different. Jasper and Frank became frightened as she walked towards them. As impulsive as Frank was, he panicked, then grabbed a glass of holy water and... [Read More]

Tags: Ghost, Murder, Nightmare, Evil, Violence, Graphic
Votes: 5

The Satisfying


05 Dec, 2012 04:12 AM

The satisfying "click" of my victims door alarms me. They would most likely go to sleep after a night like this. This was the first time my "employers" gave me a job I actually wanted to do. The sound of water running now, teeth brushing. This reclusive prick better have enjoyed there last night of laughing, drinking, eating, breathing. There final night, of living. They were in the bedroom now, I was in the closet which was getting uncomfortably warm..... Just as I predicted. My victim has gone into bed without showering. Now I will begin. I unsheathed the 16 inch knife and grasped its oak handle, which felt good. It fit perfectly in my hands, the blade was carbon steel, non serrated edge. It cut very swiftly and had a considerable amount of heft to it, But not too heavy. 15 minutes later I decided after a night like... [Read More]

Tags: Murder, Murderer, Assassin, Killed In Sleep, Night, Sleep, Graphic, BloodBiscuit
Votes: 5

The Countdown


28 Sep, 2015 04:06 AM

60..59..58..57..56..It's pointless. Why should all these people live? These teenagers. Of course, I'm one too, yet I feel as though I'm much more than them. Their lives mean nothing. All they do is have sex, do drugs, drink, bully. What use are they? What use am I? It's time for someone to do something about these awful people.To get rid of them. There are others like me. Others who think they should all die. They're nothing. They should all burn in hell for their sins. If we come together, we can rid the world of them all. Everyone will see what good we've done. They'll thank us. We'll be remembered. 40..39..38..37..36..It's so exciting. Here we all are, in the gym together. And once again, our school team is losing. 8 to 0. All they do is dribble the ball and shoot. So pointless. What good will that do in this... [Read More]

Tags: Psycopath, Insanity, Murder, Dark, Suicide, Graphic
Votes: 1

Test subject #1


23 May, 2013 01:59 AM

The bottom of the test tube blackened underneath the Bunsen burner. The indigo colored mixture inside bubbled. "Excellent.... Time for a test subject.." The man said. He slicked back his long blonde hair and licked his lips. "What do you think Arthur? Would you like to par take in my tasting my new potion?" He asked. Arthur trembled on the table. He was secured to the table by chains. His mouth was taped. He crunched his eyes up and started crying. "Ana... Remove the tape from Arthur's mouth... I think he has something to say." Ana hesitated. "Sir I don't think he has to say anything.. He's crying." She responded. "Oh come now Ana! He wants to tell me something! You don't know good old Arthur like I do." The man responded, followed by a deep chuckle. "I.. Uh " She shuffled her feet. "ANA!" He yelled into the girls... [Read More]

Tags: Scientific, Experiment, Potion, Murder, Passion, Sadistic, Death, Graphic
Votes: -1