03 Apr, 2017 07:33 PM
2:00 A.M.
Have you ever had the feeling that you are never alone in your room? Something awake and breathing in the corner, or a breeze from your closet creaking slowly open, the abysmal void of darkness filling your room space, but never the sight of an entity that you imagine to be tall, made of petrified hands, its eyes being as bright as an old flashlight? Have you ever been so scared in your life, that you’ve had your entire body itch like you've rolled in fiberglass, sweat coming from all sides like you've been in a sauna for several hours, your body shaking so hard like you're outside naked in a blizzard, you start to cry, hoping you'll fall asleep, but the tears just won’t let you? Well that night was something else. My queen sized bed, tightly tucked into the back of the room, is somewhat comfortable... [Read More]
MonstersVotes: 219534
23 Sep, 2014 07:21 PM
Sir Alan Redants was a solidly put togheter man, with a flowing moustache and healthy brown skin obtained from years of hot sun in various deserts and jungles all over the world.
He was not easily frightened, nor did he appear to be frighteded the night he announced he was sending back the souvenir his wife had picked up from a Pharaho´s tomb on their last trip to Egypt. The momento, a piece of bone which had been fashioned into a bracelet, must go back to the tombs, he said, for it´s spirit was endangering the health of his wife, the Lady Lydia.
That night was an experience I shall never forget. Redants had invited five of us to his country home for a little dinner party to send off two of our geologist friends. Things began to happen right after Sir Alan announced that he wanted the bone returned.... [Read More]
HorrorVotes: 315146
13 Sep, 2013 04:42 PM
Chapter 1
In the corner curled into a ball. I cry alone and alone only, no one there but myself. I look up and all I see is the color black. I look up into this darkness. This scary, cold, thick, condensed air. All around me is darkness. Scared and alone, I wonder why I'm here and that I want out of here but yet I feel.....at home in the dark. Maybe there is more to my dark side then I realized. I put my head back down into my arms and knees. I sit on the floor as quietly as possible. I listen to the sounds that I hear. I close my eyes and focus hard on what I want to hear. I sit and I wait and wait and wait. I start drifting off into a sleep. And my head hits the floor as I have fallen from... [Read More]
DemonVotes: 628105
20 Jul, 2013 10:00 PM
Rushing through the woods late at night. Deep into the darkest corner, where the agonizing screams can not be heard. Walking into a small cabin. Marvelling at All the horrors within I thirst for the sweet smell of blood to fill the air. I take the next victim; unconscious I tightly bind them to a low table.
Awaiting them to wake once more. I clean the dry blood off my tools from a previous session. The last body had been disposed of only hours ago, yet I had not been satisfied with the pain, agony and blood. I bend down as they start to wake.
"Welcome to hell" I whisper in her ear. "Never again will you see the light of day." Small sobs echo through the room. "My sweet little pet, don't you cry." I stoke her hair softly. "It'll end just as quickly as it began."
Walking over... [Read More]
Dark World,
GraphicVotes: 241706
01 May, 2013 07:10 PM
A sweet child... a sweet... innocent child, torn to shreds. This young boy is dead in a storm drain on Red grove Dr in Missy, Wisconsin. Somewhere across the street, a mother (father CRAZY!) just entered her neat, white, cookie cutter home unknowing that her precious, "little man", has slipped away, died, seen the light. A mother who didn't understand,"The Gift" (YES!)that took her son's life away. A gift that people would call, "hallucinations", but that's because people don't know (I KNOW!!!!).
The boy's name is Johnny and it was 2 hours after he was tucked into bed by his mother (I LOVE HIM TOO!!!) that screams were heard next door. The screams not only triggered phone calls to the police but also attracted the attention of everyone on their block (Red grove Dr. RED GROVE DRIVE!). All the men and woman (Most of whom were still in their night... [Read More]
MysteriousVotes: 2233773
02 Apr, 2013 12:46 AM
Robes of the silkiest satin. The softest shade of blue you could ever imagine gently protects his ginger hands. Skin like mocha perfection, yet smooth and yielding. The strongest green eyes; they made me feel like I was looking into a spyglass at the greenest meadows of Spring. Long smoky lashes billow around them, framing them amazingly. His perfectly chiseled cheekbones make him a very gorgeous character indeed. Short spiked black hair that seemed to scream sophistication completed the look. White as snow, he glowed with such radiance that you could almost swear he was an angel just by looking at him. Then suddenly, he pulls his robes off to show his entire outfit. On his hip he has a set of (obviously freshly sharpened) daggers in an oblong sheath strapped in place. He wears white dress slacks and a long sleeve button down dress shirt un-tucked with a loose... [Read More]
Dark Creature,
ScaryVotes: 320037
11 Jan, 2013 08:31 PM
My friend and I walked alone today. We did talk a lot at the time, but when we came closer to his home, he started to taunt me a little because I can be easy to scare. He counted all the times he had fooled me the last week. I feel a little like a coward, but I know he didn't want to be mean. He asked me if I was enough of a man to walk alone through the valley of death at night; I didn't know what it was so I asked him. After a few seconds, he answered me: “The valley of death is a place full of evil; your worst nightmare WILL come true. It is a place where you heart will stun just at the sight of the horror there. There are a lot of rumors about the valley, but one thing is definitely for... [Read More]
Valley Of Dead,
ScaryVotes: 234827
27 Dec, 2012 10:26 AM
As we sit here, I start to see things another way than I did before. I hope that telling you this will at least bring me some kind of peace inside. What I feel right now is only remorse and anger and it is disturbing to me. Do you understand what I mean? It really hurts inside of me, but I know that I need to get it out at some point - To start feeling whole again. I don’t want to be a prisoner in my own life again.
When I am thinking back at my life, there are a few things that scare me a lot. One of them was how I felt seeing the horror my brother was going through at a young age. He is not much younger than me and we are a lot alike in nature. All the harmony changed a lot in the... [Read More]
ScaryVotes: 2031961
22 Dec, 2012 04:36 AM
The black sky smelt of burning wood, and campfires. The aging mans hair was damp. He had not hurt anyone in so long but the pressure in him was building. He loved doing it. The way it made him feel. Then again in 1581 you could kill much easier without being caught. He walked to the edge of the forest. His head pulsed, he dropped to the forest floor and began to hyperventilate. He was sweating from his forehead and his neck. He dropped his travel bag, and his remaining water spilled into the dirt as he collapsed.
When he awoke His eyes were weary, and very cold. His pupils grew tiny. He stood from the ground and picked up nothing, he walked to the closest house. A small cottage. Inside he found a small sword. And a man sleeping. A farmer most likely. He looked at him strangely and... [Read More]
GraphicVotes: 329734
20 Dec, 2012 10:02 PM
She lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage and sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry, their food-stores rot away before winter, their children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch could do to her neighbors.
Then the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could find out where they had gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary's home in the woods to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of the disappearances. Still,... [Read More]
Dark Art,
Dark WorldVotes: 221690